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Cocoa warning: NSWindow does not support utility styleMask 0x10




I have re-drawn the NSWindow, and now when I start my app there is a warning in the console that says NSWindow does not support utility styleMask 0x10. How can I get rid of this warning?

Any idea?


enter image description here

like image 414
Blues Zhou Avatar asked Dec 17 '12 06:12

Blues Zhou

1 Answers

NSUtilityWindowMask is a bit (0x10) in the styleMask property of a NSPanel which is not supported by NSWindow.

If you have created this in an xib, then you should be able to change the custom class to NSPanel, uncheck the utility mask checkbox and then change it back. If you did it in code, (or are changing the styleMask property in code) make sure that you are not setting bit 0x10 of styleMask.

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lnafziger Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10
