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know the position of the finger in the trackpad under Mac OS X

I am developing an Mac application and I would like to know the position of the finger in the trackpad when there is a touch.

Is it something possible and if yes, how?

like image 842
AP. Avatar asked Aug 26 '10 08:08


People also ask

How does the trackpad know its your finger?

When the touchpad is pressed at a point, the material gets thinner between the wires, allowing the flow of electricity. Then the coordinates of point of contact is determined. When this sensing method is used then any touchpad friendly object can be used to work on it, including pencil, finger or any object.

What is the three finger swipe on Mac?

Swipe left from the right edge with two fingers to show Notification Center. Use three fingers to drag items on your screen, then click or tap to drop. Turn on this feature in Accessibility preferences. Tap with three fingers to look up a word or take actions with dates, addresses, phone numbers, and other data.

2 Answers

Your view needs to be set to accept touches ([self setAcceptsTouchEvents:YES]). When you get a touch event like -touchesBeganWithEvent:, you can figure out where the finger lies by looking at its normalizedPosition (range is [0.0, 1.0] x [0.0, 1.0]) in light of its deviceSize in big points (there are 72 bp per inch). The lower-left corner of the trackpad is treated as the zero origin.

So, for example:

- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frameRect {
   self = [super initWithFrame:frameRect];
   if (!self) return nil;

   /* You need to set this to receive any touch event messages. */
   [self setAcceptsTouchEvents:YES];

   /* You only need to set this if you actually want resting touches.
    * If you don't, a touch will "end" when it starts resting and
    * "begin" again if it starts moving again. */
   [self setWantsRestingTouches:YES]
   return self;

/* One of many touch event handling methods. */
- (void)touchesBeganWithEvent:(NSEvent *)ev {
   NSSet *touches = [ev touchesMatchingPhase:NSTouchPhaseBegan inView:self];

   for (NSTouch *touch in touches) {
      /* Once you have a touch, getting the position is dead simple. */
      NSPoint fraction = touch.normalizedPosition;
      NSSize whole = touch.deviceSize;
      NSPoint wholeInches = {whole.width / 72.0, whole.height / 72.0};
      NSPoint pos = wholeInches;
      pos.x *= fraction.x;
      pos.y *= fraction.y;
      NSLog(@"%s: Finger is touching %g inches right and %g inches up "
            @"from lower left corner of trackpad.", __func__, pos.x, pos.y);

(Treat this code as an illustration, not as tried and true, battle-worn sample code; I just wrote it directly into the comment box.)

like image 84
Jeremy W. Sherman Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 22:09

Jeremy W. Sherman

Swift 3:

I've written an extension to NSTouch that returns the trackpad-touch pos, relative to an NSView:

extension NSTouch {
     * Returns the relative position of the touch to the view
     * NOTE: the normalizedTouch is the relative location on the trackpad. values range from 0-1. And are y-flipped
     * TODO: debug if the touch area is working with a rect with a green stroke
    func pos(_ view:NSView) -> CGPoint{
        let w = view.frame.size.width
        let h = view.frame.size.height
        let touchPos:CGPoint = CGPoint(self.normalizedPosition.x,1 + (self.normalizedPosition.y * -1))/*flip the touch coordinates*/
        let deviceSize:CGSize = self.deviceSize
        let deviceRatio:CGFloat = deviceSize.width/deviceSize.height/*find the ratio of the device*/
        let viewRatio:CGFloat = w/h
        var touchArea:CGSize = CGSize(w,h)
        /*Uniform-shrink the device to the view frame*/
        if(deviceRatio > viewRatio){/*device is wider than view*/
            touchArea.height = h/viewRatio
            touchArea.width = w
        }else if(deviceRatio < viewRatio){/*view is wider than device*/
            touchArea.height = h
            touchArea.width = w/deviceRatio
        }/*else ratios are the same*/
        let touchAreaPos:CGPoint = CGPoint((w - touchArea.width)/2,(h - touchArea.height)/2)/*we center the touchArea to the View*/
        return CGPoint(touchPos.x * touchArea.width,touchPos.y * touchArea.height) + touchAreaPos

Here is an article I wrote about my GestureHUD class in macOS. With link to a ready-made extension as well: http://eon.codes/blog/2017/03/15/Gesture-HUD/



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Sentry.co Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 22:09
