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CMS-like help framework for web applications?

We have a relatively large web application (>200 pages) to which we need to begin adding help screens. We were wondering if there is a CMS-like application that is particularly well suited to such endeavors (rather than trying to build all the business owner editing screens, search, formatting, etc ourselves).

Any suggestions?

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Beep beep Avatar asked Apr 25 '11 02:04

Beep beep

People also ask

What are the 3 different types of CMS?

There are three broad types of CMS software: open source, proprietary and Software-as-a-Service CMS, including cloud-based solutions.

Which is better CMS or framework?

A CMS already comes with the basic features necessary to build a website or webshop, making development time shorter compared to frameworks. So, if you're working with a minimum viable product (MVP) and you're aiming to go live as soon as possible, then CMS may be the better option for you.

Is CMS a web application?

WHAT IS A CMS. A Content Management System (CMS) is a web application designed to create and manage digital content. It can serve multiple purposes according to the needs of each organization.

What is CMS and framework?

A content management system (CMS) is a system used to manage the content of a website. A content management framework (CMF) is a system that facilitates the use of reusable components or customized software for managing Web content. It shares aspects of a Web application framework and a content management system (CMS).

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3 Answers

The quickest and easiest way to do this is to take something like ScrewTurn Wiki which is ideal as a knowledge base and just create the help links to the help screens in your existing site.


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IrishChieftain Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 04:10


If your app is already MVC, why not add in some contextual help to it...

For example, in your layout page, add an icon that simply takes the user to the help page, passing the referring page. The URL would be

If you were on




You could then have a HelpController that looks up help for the CustomerController, and specifically the Create action, which allows you to give very granular help as well as fall back to more general help if specific help isn't available.

You could even redirect to a CMS that contains the information if you don't want to write that part yourself, you would then just need to store the mapping to the CMS page that supplies help for the given topic (or use a similar convention-based route for the content).

Here is the routing rule for your Global.asax.cs file.

            new { controller = "Help", 
                  action = "Details", 
                  controllerName = UrlParameter.Optional, 
                  actionName = UrlParameter.Optional }
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Fenton Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 03:10


Have you looked @ Orchard ? Its an MVC based CMS (like WordPress). I am thinking that you could install orchard to something like /Help in your application and create 'Posts' for each one of your help topics. By using the Clean URL features, it should be pretty easy to generate the appropriate links from your custom app. (~/Help/Module1 for instance). It also has search, roles, and probably most of the other things you would be looking for.

The only part I am not 100% on is styling, but from what I read, it looks to be pretty easy to do.

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Tommy Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 02:10
