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Cms integration with existing website

Okay, I figured that this would be the place to ask about Content Management Sysetems.

Basically, I run a website, www.com and nobody updates it because it is too complicated. Is there any way I could use a CMS such as Wordpress or Joomla to only update certain DIV's so that I do not have to redesign the entire site? Or is there any systems that people would recommend?

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Pete Ross Avatar asked Oct 27 '11 20:10

Pete Ross

People also ask

Can you add a CMS to existing website?

CouchCMS can be integrated into existing websites without no knowledge of backend technology like PHP or Python. All you need to turn your website into a Content Management System (CMS) is the custom Couch Tags that you will add to the sections of the site you want to make editable.

2 Answers

Try http://grabaperch.com/

It is really simple and you can use you existing pages. Just select editable areas and you are done!

It's not free, but the price is not bad.

Another similar option is http://www.cushycms.com

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Petr Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 07:09


Well... you could probably use a CMS to create content, but your CMS template would basically be empty so you are only outputting the content and not the whole page design. Then in your current site, you could just include the CMS content files in the DIVs where you want them to display.

However, you would be much better off in the long run spending the time creating a template that matches your site now and use the full features of the CMS. It wouldn't really be too much more work. You'd take the HTML you have now and convert that to a template for the CMS you choose. Most are similar in that you have a master HTML file/template that you layout all your designs, etc, then replace portions with CMS content such as Navbar, Sidebars, Main Content, Footer, etc.

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Shawn Steward Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 07:09

Shawn Steward