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Cmake Vs. Android.mk

I feel like CMake and Android.mk have a lot in common, can someone please explain to me what are the differences and why did Google invented a new build system and didn't use CMake ?

like image 914
0x90 Avatar asked Nov 01 '13 00:11


1 Answers

The Android developers have even more changes in mind. It is now possible to use Ninja-build.

Soong is the longer term plan, and involves replacing all of the Android.mk files throughout the tree with structured data files, and describing the build logic in Go.

Source: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/ninja-build/YPby3GRBqHA

So they invent yet another build system. For Chrome they have already introduced Gyp. I guess there is no central position in Google to coordinate such decisions. The developers can decide on a per-project base what is best for the project. This is actually good. Image that every project with major involvement by Google would switch to build-system X. That'd be annoying.

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usr1234567 Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 21:10
