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Cmake-gui not coming up on windows

I am using Cmake-gui and it was working fine, suddenly it started crashing. Whenever i try to open it, it gets added to the taskbar but app doesn't open. I waited for many hours also. I tried installing previous versions also but same thing is happening. I am using windows 10 amd Cmake version 3.16.

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Vickey Seth Avatar asked Jan 12 '20 05:01

Vickey Seth

People also ask

How do I open Cmake-GUI?

Run cmake-gui.exe, which should be in your Start menu under Program Files, there may also be a shortcut on your desktop, or if you built from source, it will be in the build directory. A GUI will appear similar to what is shown below. The top two entries are the source code and binary directories.

How do you use Cmake-GUI?

Running cmake-gui To use it, run cmake-gui , fill in the source and binary folder paths, then click Configure. If the binary folder doesn't exist, CMake will prompt you to create it. It will then ask you to select a generator.

How do I open Cmake-gui in Ubuntu?

Open https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/precise/cmake-qt-gui/ and click available on the software centre. new window opens and click install.

1 Answers

I solved my issue by removing the following key from the windows registry : Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Kitware\CMakeSetup

It contained all the settings of my last run of Cmake. Some of them became invalid due to changes on my system.

Deleting the key has reset the settings to default and cMake-gui launched successfully.

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Blup1980 Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 18:09
