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I'm working on OS X 10.6.4. I've been using clbuild to install supporting libraries for SBCL (including clsql), and I do all my work through Aquamacs. I installed MySQL using the excellent instructions over at Hive Logic. But when I call (require 'clsql) -- which seems to work fine -- and then try to execute (clsql:connect '(nil "lisp" "root" "") :database-type :mysql) to connect to my local running database, I get this error message:

erred while invoking #<COMPILE-OP (:VERBOSE NIL) {12096109}> on
#<CLSQL-MYSQL-SOURCE-FILE "clsql_mysql" {1208E071}>
   [Condition of type ASDF:OPERATION-ERROR]

From my research of this problem, I think it comes from me not having a compiled version of the libmysqlclient.dylib file, of which I have a copy in /usr/local/mysql/lib/, but I'm not clear on how to go about compiling it. This forum post seems to say that's exactly what I need to do, but there's no make file in that directory.

like image 908
Brendan Foote Avatar asked Sep 06 '10 15:09

Brendan Foote

1 Answers

Nowadays, you should use homebrew for MySQL installation on Snow Leopard. Homebrew installs MySQL 5.5.10 which doesn't have the compiler problem that 5.5.8 had (AFAIK).

like image 75
Adam Nelson Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 21:11

Adam Nelson