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cloning elements, avoiding more than one clone at a time when adding




I simply want one more clone on each click. Did i miss something obvious_ Thanks






<input type="button" value="clone it"/>

<div id="container"></div>

<div class="cloneitem">clone</div>
like image 742
Johan Avatar asked Nov 28 '11 15:11


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Copy/Paste with clone() & append() using jQuery You can copy an element from one place to another using the clone() function in jQuery. First you make a copy using the clone() function then you use the appendTo() function to indicate where you want the copy placed.

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2 Answers

Try this http://jsfiddle.net/p57hm/1/




Currently you are cloning all the elements that have the class .cloneitem but you only want 1 at a time, so you don't want to select all the .cloneItem but just the first one, and clone that one.

like image 171
Niels Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 01:10


$('.cloneitem') selects all elements with cloneitem class.

use .first():

like image 20
fardjad Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 00:10
