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cannot use .bind() to bind hover



I experimenting with jQuery. As I was trying I found out that I can't use hover event with .bind. And I don't know what is wrong.

  hover: function(e) {
  // Hover event handler
  click: function(e) {
  // Click event handler
  blur: function(e) {
  // Blur event handler

What is surprising (at least to me) is that hover is not working. The others "click" and "blur" are working fine.

Also the following works without any problems.

     // stuff

Maybe I can use the above code. But not knowing why is a big nuisance. So any ideas?


like image 588
Sinan Avatar asked Nov 06 '10 00:11


1 Answers

You need to use the mouseenter and mouseleave events (which .hover() uses) directly when binding with an object like this:

  mouseenter: function(e) {
  // Hover event handler
  mouseleave: function(e) {
  // Hover event handler
  click: function(e) {
  // Click event handler
  blur: function(e) {
  // Blur event handler

.hover() is defined specially here in the jQuery event code...it simply isn't supported like other events in places like .bind(), since it's not an event, it's just a function to help you bind the mouseenter and mouseleave events.

like image 171
Nick Craver Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 22:09

Nick Craver