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CLion Installation: Cmake compilers not found, GDB not found



I'm switching from VS to CLion and they said I needed to install Cygwin and CMake. I then installed both of them. I tried use bundled, but CLion still gives me these errors make: not found C Compiler: not found C++ Compiler: not found GDB: not found.

I have installed CMake under the path C:\Users\Gaga\Downloads\cmake-3.4.1 but I don't see a cmake.exe, the closest thing is cmake.cxx.

Without these I'm not able to compile anything, please help

enter image description here

like image 937
Script Kitty Avatar asked Jan 18 '16 01:01

Script Kitty

1 Answers

In the "Use specified" field I put C:\cygwin64\bin\cmake.exe your path may be different. Just ensure you have CMake, Make, gdb and gcc installed already in Cygwin (using the Cygwin setup.exe not via the CMake website) but I believe Clion checks if you have them installed after inputting the path. enter image description here

like image 176
Mark Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 17:09
