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Clion doesn't print to console




I am using printf("%d", 15); and nothing prints on the console.

I tried calling setvbuf (stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0); first, nothing changed. Any ideas how to tackle this issue ?

like image 639
dimitris93 Avatar asked Feb 07 '23 16:02


1 Answers

printf buffers the output. It will not flush the buffer (i.e. actually write out the contents) until a newline is reached.

The best remedy is to use printf("%d\n", 15);. Alternatively you can flush the buffer using fflush(stdout);

You can suppress the buffering behaviour by writing setbuf(stdout, NULL); but I wouldn't recommend your interfering with the workings in that way.

like image 50
Bathsheba Avatar answered Feb 15 '23 22:02
