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Client and Server communication using ssl c/c++ - SSL protocol don't works


I'm trying use an SSL client/server example from:http://simplestcodings.blogspot.com.br/2010/08/secure-server-client-using-openssl-in-c.html to create a secure connection using SSLv3. I made some changes for request the certificate on server-side, the comunication works fine and is understood in both sides. Thus, my problem is that when the client connects to server, the protocol communication SSLv3 is not working, I verified using the wirkeshark and in the protocol field just shows TCP, or IPA(RSL Malformed Packet) somebody can help me? Thanks!

I've created my certificates following the tutorial https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenSSL.

Here is my client code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <resolv.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <openssl/ssl.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>

#define FAIL    -1

    //Added the LoadCertificates how in the server-side makes.    
void LoadCertificates(SSL_CTX* ctx, char* CertFile, char* KeyFile)
 /* set the local certificate from CertFile */
    if ( SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(ctx, CertFile, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) <= 0 )
    /* set the private key from KeyFile (may be the same as CertFile) */
    if ( SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ctx, KeyFile, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) <= 0 )
    /* verify private key */
    if ( !SSL_CTX_check_private_key(ctx) )
        fprintf(stderr, "Private key does not match the public certificate\n");

int OpenConnection(const char *hostname, int port)
{   int sd;
    struct hostent *host;
    struct sockaddr_in addr;

    if ( (host = gethostbyname(hostname)) == NULL )
    sd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    bzero(&addr, sizeof(addr));
    addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    addr.sin_port = htons(port);
    addr.sin_addr.s_addr = *(long*)(host->h_addr);
    if ( connect(sd, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr)) != 0 )
    return sd;

SSL_CTX* InitCTX(void)
{   SSL_METHOD *method;
    SSL_CTX *ctx;

    OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms();  /* Load cryptos, et.al. */
    SSL_load_error_strings();   /* Bring in and register error messages */
    method = SSLv3_client_method();  /* Create new client-method instance */
    ctx = SSL_CTX_new(method);   /* Create new context */
    if ( ctx == NULL )
    return ctx;

void ShowCerts(SSL* ssl)
{   X509 *cert;
    char *line;

    cert = SSL_get_peer_certificate(ssl); /* get the server's certificate */
    if ( cert != NULL )
        printf("Server certificates:\n");
        line = X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_subject_name(cert), 0, 0);
        printf("Subject: %s\n", line);
        free(line);       /* free the malloc'ed string */
        line = X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_issuer_name(cert), 0, 0);
        printf("Issuer: %s\n", line);
        free(line);       /* free the malloc'ed string */
        X509_free(cert);     /* free the malloc'ed certificate copy */
        printf("No certificates.\n");

int main()
{   SSL_CTX *ctx;
    int server;
    SSL *ssl;
    char buf[1024];
    int bytes;
    char hostname[]="";
    char portnum[]="5000";
    char CertFile[] = "/home/myCA/cacert.pem";
    char KeyFile[] = "/home/myCA/private/cakey.pem";


    ctx = InitCTX();
    LoadCertificates(ctx, CertFile, KeyFile);
    server = OpenConnection(hostname, atoi(portnum));
    ssl = SSL_new(ctx);      /* create new SSL connection state */
    SSL_set_fd(ssl, server);    /* attach the socket descriptor */
    if ( SSL_connect(ssl) == FAIL )   /* perform the connection */
    {   char *msg = "Hello???";

        printf("Connected with %s encryption\n", SSL_get_cipher(ssl));
        ShowCerts(ssl);        /* get any certs */
        SSL_write(ssl, msg, strlen(msg));   /* encrypt & send message */
        bytes = SSL_read(ssl, buf, sizeof(buf)); /* get reply & decrypt */
        buf[bytes] = 0;
        printf("Received: \"%s\"\n", buf);
        SSL_free(ssl);        /* release connection state */
    close(server);         /* close socket */
    SSL_CTX_free(ctx);        /* release context */
    return 0;

And the server:

#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <resolv.h>
#include "openssl/ssl.h"
#include "openssl/err.h"

#define FAIL    -1

int OpenListener(int port)
{   int sd;
    struct sockaddr_in addr;

    sd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    bzero(&addr, sizeof(addr));
    addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    addr.sin_port = htons(port);
    addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
    if ( bind(sd, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr)) != 0 )
        perror("can't bind port");
    if ( listen(sd, 10) != 0 )
        perror("Can't configure listening port");
    return sd;

SSL_CTX* InitServerCTX(void)
{   SSL_METHOD *method;
    SSL_CTX *ctx;

    OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms();  /* load & register all cryptos, etc. */
    SSL_load_error_strings();   /* load all error messages */
    method = SSLv3_server_method();  /* create new server-method instance */
    ctx = SSL_CTX_new(method);   /* create new context from method */
    if ( ctx == NULL )
    return ctx;

void LoadCertificates(SSL_CTX* ctx, char* CertFile, char* KeyFile)
    //New lines 
    if (SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(ctx, CertFile, KeyFile) != 1)

    if (SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths(ctx) != 1)
    //End new lines

    /* set the local certificate from CertFile */
    if (SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(ctx, CertFile, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) <= 0)
    /* set the private key from KeyFile (may be the same as CertFile) */
    if (SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ctx, KeyFile, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) <= 0)
    /* verify private key */
    if (!SSL_CTX_check_private_key(ctx))
        fprintf(stderr, "Private key does not match the public certificate\n");

    //New lines - Force the client-side have a certificate
    SSL_CTX_set_verify_depth(ctx, 4);
    //End new lines

void ShowCerts(SSL* ssl)
{   X509 *cert;
    char *line;

    cert = SSL_get_peer_certificate(ssl); /* Get certificates (if available) */
    if ( cert != NULL )
        printf("Server certificates:\n");
        line = X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_subject_name(cert), 0, 0);
        printf("Subject: %s\n", line);
        line = X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_issuer_name(cert), 0, 0);
        printf("Issuer: %s\n", line);
        printf("No certificates.\n");

void Servlet(SSL* ssl) /* Serve the connection -- threadable */
{   char buf[1024];
    char reply[1024];
    int sd, bytes;
    const char* HTMLecho="<html><body><pre>%s</pre></body></html>\n\n";

    if ( SSL_accept(ssl) == FAIL )     /* do SSL-protocol accept */
        ShowCerts(ssl);        /* get any certificates */
        bytes = SSL_read(ssl, buf, sizeof(buf)); /* get request */
        if ( bytes > 0 )
            buf[bytes] = 0;
            printf("Client msg: \"%s\"\n", buf);
            sprintf(reply, HTMLecho, buf);   /* construct reply */
            SSL_write(ssl, reply, strlen(reply)); /* send reply */
    sd = SSL_get_fd(ssl);       /* get socket connection */
    SSL_free(ssl);         /* release SSL state */
    close(sd);          /* close connection */

int main()
{   SSL_CTX *ctx;
    int server;
    char portnum[]="5000";

        char CertFile[] = "/home/myCA/mycert.pem";
        char KeyFile[] = "/home/myCA/mycert.pem";


    ctx = InitServerCTX();        /* initialize SSL */
    LoadCertificates(ctx, CertFile, KeyFile); /* load certs */
    server = OpenListener(atoi(portnum));    /* create server socket */
    while (1)
    {   struct sockaddr_in addr;
        socklen_t len = sizeof(addr);
        SSL *ssl;

        int client = accept(server, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, &len);  /* accept connection as usual */
        printf("Connection: %s:%d\n",inet_ntoa(addr.sin_addr), ntohs(addr.sin_port));
        ssl = SSL_new(ctx);              /* get new SSL state with context */
        SSL_set_fd(ssl, client);      /* set connection socket to SSL state */
        Servlet(ssl);         /* service connection */
    close(server);          /* close server socket */
    SSL_CTX_free(ctx);         /* release context */
like image 436
David Viana Avatar asked Jul 29 '12 00:07

David Viana

People also ask

How SSL certificate works between client and server?

SSL is a security protocol that secures communication between entities (typically, clients and servers) over a network. SSL works by authenticating clients and servers using digital certificates and by encrypting/decrypting communication using unique keys that are associated with authenticated clients and servers.

How do I enable SSL in Python?

Simple HTTPS Server using Python Also on Windows, go to https://indy.fulgan.com/SSL/openssl-1.0.2t-x64_86-win64.zip, and unzip. Afterwards on both Windows and Linux, type this command and hit enter. (This is the only command you need in Linux, but you need to do previous steps in Windows.) Copy created key.

1 Answers

With the above server and client programs, I was getting the following error:

140671281543104:error:140890B2:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE:no certificate returned:s3_srvr.c:3292:

I had generated self-signed certificates using the procedure mentioned in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenSSL.

After juggling with the error for one day, i found that the error was because the self-generated CA was not in the trust chain of the machine I was using.

To add the CA to the trust chain in RHEL-7, one can follow the below procedure:

        To add a certificate in the simple PEM or DER file formats to the
        list of CAs trusted on the system:

        Copy it to the
        subdirectory, and run the

        If your certificate is in the extended BEGIN TRUSTED file format,
        then place it into the main source/ directory instead.

I think the above procedure can be followed for fedora too. If this does not work, it might be useful to explore the commands like "update-ca-certificates". Hope this will be useful to someone.

like image 112
Swaru Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 11:10
