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Click outside non-modal dialog to close

Per my previous research, I've been able to figure out how to trigger a live click event on the overlay around a dialog to close the dialog. However, that restricts further development of this dialog feature to being modal. If I set the dialog to non-modal, there is no overlay to trigger the click event. How can I set up the dialog (which is now not modal) to close when I click outside it without using the overlay click event?

Here is my dialog and the subsequent live click event that allows me to close the dialog from the overlay:

    resizable: false,
    width: dimensionData.width,
    modal: false,
    title: dimensionData.title,
    position: [x,y],
    close: function(event, ui){
$('.ui-widget-overlay').live('click', function() {
like image 703
Axle Avatar asked Oct 27 '11 16:10


1 Answers

Finally figured out the answer to my own question. By binding a mousedown event to the document itself and then excluding the dialog, we can duplicate the functionality of the live function for overlays. Below the code I've included a jsFiddle demonstrating the solution.

// Listen for document click to close non-modal dialog
$(document).mousedown(function(e) {
    var clicked = $(e.target); // get the element clicked
    if (clicked.is('#dlg') || clicked.parents().is('#dlg') || clicked.is('.ui-dialog-titlebar')) {
        return; // click happened within the dialog, do nothing here
    } else { // click was outside the dialog, so close it


like image 127
Axle Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 07:09
