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Click event not working with ApexCharts (Vue3)

I need an event to be triggered whenever someone clicks on my chart or on one of the bars but for some reason events don't trigger for me.

This is my code:

<apexchart type="rangeBar" :options="chartOptions" class="ganttChart" :series="series"></apexchart>

And my setup:

setup() {
 const series = [
              name: 'Sunny',
              data: [
                  x: 'Weather',
                  y: [
                    new Date('2019-03-05').getTime(),
                    new Date('2019-03-08').getTime()
              name: 'Rainy',
              data: [
                  x: 'Weather',
                  y: [
                    new Date('2019-03-02').getTime(),
                    new Date('2019-03-05').getTime()

  const chartOptions = {
            chart: {
                events: {
                    click: function(event, chartContext, config) {
                        alert(event, chartContext, config);
              height: 400,
              width: 400,
              type: 'rangeBar',
            plotOptions: {
              bar: {
                horizontal: true
            fill: {
              type: 'gradient',
              gradient: {
                shade: 'light',
                type: 'vertical',
                shadeIntensity: 0.25,
                gradientToColors: undefined,
                inverseColors: true,
                opacityFrom: 1,
                opacityTo: 1,
                stops: [50, 0, 100, 100]
            xaxis: {
              type: 'datetime'
            legend: {
              position: 'top'

         return { 
              series, chartOptions 

I've also tried using the dataPointSelection event but it did not have an effect.

Apart from the events, my chart shows and works just fine.

like image 757
Nora Avatar asked Apr 30 '21 06:04


1 Answers

I also struggled a lot with it until I found something working. You can use @click like this:

<apexchart type="rangeBar" :options="chartOptions" class="ganttChart" :series="series" @click="clickHandler"></apexchart>

and then define clickHandler in your methods:

methods: {
    clickHandler(event, chartContext, config){
like image 155
acgabor Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 20:10
