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Clear date input fails on chromewebdriver

I ran into a problem while switching from firefoxdriver to chromedriver with selenium, it was working fine in FF but now when I try to clear a date input field I have this error:

Caused by: org.openqa.selenium.InvalidElementStateException: Element must be user-editable
in order to clear it. (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information)
Command duration or timeout: 38 milliseconds
Build info: version: '2.31.0', revision: '1bd294d185a80fa4206dfeab80ba773c04ac33c0',
time: '2013-02-27 13:51:26'
System info: os.name: 'Mac OS X', os.arch: 'x86_64', os.version: '10.8.2', java.version: 
Session ID: cb5a1b7e5f4abc4f2e56e2fe284a9dc3
Driver info: org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver
Capabilities [{platform=MAC, chrome.chromedriverVersion=26.0.1383.0, acceptSslCerts=false,
javascriptEnabled=true, browserName=chrome, rotatable=false, locationContextEnabled=false,
version=25.0.1364.160, cssSelectorsEnabled=true, databaseEnabled=false, 
handlesAlerts=true, browserConnectionEnabled=false, nativeEvents=true,
webStorageEnabled=true, applicationCacheEnabled=false, takesScreenshot=true}]
blah blah...

I tried adding the contenteditable attribute to my input fields but no luck there:

  <input type="date" contenteditable="true" required="required" placeholder="YYYY-MM-dd" />

I am not sure if I should report that or where to report it but I found these issues in related projects that somewhat similar:



In the meantime any suggestions to get around that bug?


like image 600
Renaud Avatar asked Mar 12 '13 11:03


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1 Answers

As a workaround you can select the webElement representing the input field and perform a


to clear the field.

like image 88
Robert Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 00:10
