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django : using admin datepicker

I'm trying to use the admin datepicker in my own django forms.

Roughly following the discussion here : http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg72138.html


a) In my forms.py included the line

from django.contrib.admin import widgets

b) and used the widget like this :

date = forms.DateTimeField(widget=widgets.AdminDateWidget())

c) And in my actual template I've added :


To include the js / styles etc.

However, when I try to view my form I get no nice widget; just an ordinary text box. And the Firefox javascript error console shows me :

gettext is not defined in calendar.js (line 26)


addEvent is not defined in DateTimeShortcuts.js (line 254)

Any suggestions? Is this a bug in Django's own javascript library?

Update : Basically, need to include the core and (or fake) the i18lization

Update 2 : Carl points out this is pretty much a duplicate of Using Django time/date widgets in custom form (although starting from a different position)

like image 996
interstar Avatar asked Mar 19 '09 02:03


3 Answers

No, it's not a bug.

It's trying to call the gettext() internationalization function in js. You can do js internationalization much like you do it in python code or templates, it's only a less known feature.

If you don't use js internationalization in your project you can just put.

<script>function gettext(txt){ return txt }</script>

in your top template so the js interpreter doesn't choke.

This is a hacky way to solve it I know.


Or you can include the exact jsi18n js django admin references to get it working even with other languages. I don't know which one it is.

This was posted on django-users today:


Maybe it was you, anyway, just in case.

like image 181
Vasil Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 05:11


I think I solved the first half by explicitly adding these lines to my template :

<script type="text/javascript" src="../../../jsi18n/"></script> 
<script type="text/javascript" src="/admin_media/js/core.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/admin_media/js/admin/RelatedObjectLookups.js"></script>

But it still reports not knowing gettext

like image 2
interstar Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 05:11


You may find the following works for you:

<link href="/media/css/base.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="/admin/jsi18n/"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/media/js/core.js"></script>
{{ form.media }} 
like image 1
Aidan Fitzpatrick Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 05:11

Aidan Fitzpatrick