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Clean Windows Azure Website

My ASP.NET MVC project pushed to a Azure website with an extra DLL which is invalid. This is keeping the project from running correctly. If a new website is created it works perfectly. Cleaning the project locally and redeploying does not fix the problem. Is there a way to perform a "remote clean?"

This project is being deployed directly from Visual Studio with the publish menu item.

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Joshcodes Avatar asked Jul 04 '13 18:07


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1) Create a new empty deployment slot under the Azure website. 2) Swap it with the parent Azure website. That will give you an empty Azure website. If you want you can delete the deployment slot afterwards.

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To flush the local cache logs, stop and restart the app. This action clears the old cache.

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Using WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE = URL. This section provides information about how to run your function app from a package deployed to a URL endpoint. This option is the only one supported for running from a package on Linux hosted in a Consumption plan.

1 Answers

When you right click and click Publish Web on the left hand side there should be a settings tab. Click this. Then expand the option under File Publish Options and check the Box for Remove addtional files at destination. (This will wipe out whats already there)

enter image description here

Also can be detailed here: MSDN

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ElvisLives Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 00:10
