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Class 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Input' not found




I have an error when upgrading laravel 6

Symfony \ Component \ Debug \ Exception \ FatalThrowableError (E_ERROR) Class 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Input' not found

Source code:

enter image description here


enter image description here

can you help to fix my code?

like image 817
Kkh Snts Avatar asked Sep 24 '19 10:09

Kkh Snts

People also ask

What happened to the input facade in Laravel?

In Laravel 5.2 Input:: is replaced with Request:: Laravel 6X The Input facade, which was primarily a duplicate of the Request facade, has been removed. If you are using the Input::get method, you should now call the Request::input method. All other calls to the Input facade may simply be updated to use the Request facade.

How do I clear the underlying instance of a facade?

Hotswap the underlying instance behind the facade. Get the root object behind the facade. Get the registered name of the component. Resolve the facade root instance from the container. Clear a resolved facade instance.

How do I mock a class in a facade?

Convert the facade into a Mockery spy. Initiate a mock expectation on the facade. Create a fresh mock instance for the given class. Create a fresh mock instance for the given class. Determines whether a mock is set as the instance of the facade. Get the mockable class for the bound instance. Hotswap the underlying instance behind the facade.

2 Answers

In config/app.php, replace:

'Input' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\Input::class


'Input' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\Request::class,
like image 63
Vijay Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 17:10


I have resolved below it worked for me
Step 1: Access the link: yourproject\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Support\Facades
Step 2: Create a file with the file name: Input.php
Step 3: Paste the code below into the file you just created and save


namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades;

 * @method static \Illuminate\Http\Request instance()
 * @method static string method()
 * @method static string root()
 * @method static string url()
 * @method static string fullUrl()
 * @method static string fullUrlWithQuery(array $query)
 * @method static string path()
 * @method static string decodedPath()
 * @method static string|null segment(int $index, string|null $default = null)
 * @method static array segments()
 * @method static bool is(...$patterns)
 * @method static bool routeIs(...$patterns)
 * @method static bool fullUrlIs(...$patterns)
 * @method static bool ajax()
 * @method static bool pjax()
 * @method static bool secure()
 * @method static string ip()
 * @method static array ips()
 * @method static string userAgent()
 * @method static \Illuminate\Http\Request merge(array $input)
 * @method static \Illuminate\Http\Request replace(array $input)
 * @method static \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag|mixed json(string $key = null, $default = null)
 * @method static \Illuminate\Session\Store session()
 * @method static \Illuminate\Session\Store|null getSession()
 * @method static void setLaravelSession(\Illuminate\Contracts\Session\Session $session)
 * @method static mixed user(string|null $guard = null)
 * @method static \Illuminate\Routing\Route|object|string route(string|null $param = null)
 * @method static string fingerprint()
 * @method static \Illuminate\Http\Request setJson(\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag $json)
 * @method static \Closure getUserResolver()
 * @method static \Illuminate\Http\Request setUserResolver(\Closure $callback)
 * @method static \Closure getRouteResolver()
 * @method static \Illuminate\Http\Request setRouteResolver(\Closure $callback)
 * @method static array toArray()
 * @method static bool offsetExists(string $offset)
 * @method static mixed offsetGet(string $offset)
 * @method static void offsetSet(string $offset, $value)
 * @method static void offsetUnset(string $offset)
 * @see \Illuminate\Http\Request
class Input extends Facade
     * Get an item from the input data.
     * This method is used for all request verbs (GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE)
     * @param  string  $key
     * @param  mixed   $default
     * @return mixed
    public static function get($key = null, $default = null)
        return static::$app['request']->input($key, $default);

     * Get the registered name of the component.
     * @return string
    protected static function getFacadeAccessor()
        return 'request';

Step 4: Rerun your project
Done.Good luck!

like image 26
Pixs Nguyen Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 15:10

Pixs Nguyen