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Property [id] does not exist on this collection instance [duplicate]




I am trying to create edit page and this error keeps popping up Whoops, looks like something went wrong. Property [id] does not exist on this collection instance. What I've done so far
This is my Route

Route::get('book/edit/{id}', 'BookController@edit')->name('admin.book.edit');
Route::PATCH('book/edit/{id}', 'BookController@update')->name('admin.book.edit');

This is my controller

$books = $this->bookModel
        ->join('author', 'author.id', '=', 'book.author_id')
        ->where('book.id', '=', $id)
        ->select('book.*', 'author.name_1 as authorname1')
    return view('backend.book.edit', compact('books', $books));

Finally view file have the following in form part

{{ Form::model($books, ['route' => ['admin.book.edit', $books->id], 'class' => 'form-horizontal', 'role' => 'form', 'method' => 'PATCH']) }}
<!--form content-->
{{ Form::close() }}

Any help will be appreciated. Thanks

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Regolith Avatar asked Apr 10 '17 10:04


4 Answers

The error is here:


When you're using get() you get a collection and $books is a collection. In this case you need to iterate over it to get its properties:

@foreach ($books as $book)
    {{ $book->id }}
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Mayank Pandeyz Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 08:11

Mayank Pandeyz

You have to retrieve one record with first() not a collection with get(), i.e:

$book = $this->bookModel
    ->join('author', 'author.id', '=', 'book.author_id')
    ->where('book.id', '=', $id)
    ->select('book.*', 'author.name_1 as authorname1')

Please sobstitute $books with $book in the rest of the code also.

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dparoli Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 06:11


I too had the similar error where I was using eloquent relationship, and the problem was I was using return $this->hasMany(ClassName::class); But the relation was of One-to-One so the solution for the problem is return $this->hasOne(ClassName::class);.

Here in above sample the first code segment will return array of objects which will be breakdown the flow of eloquent relation in chained eloquent code like $firstChain->middleChain->requiredData

Here if middleChain has arrayOfObjects it cause above error saying property doesn't exist.

Be careful when using eloquent relation to properly mention the type of relation it has

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Afreed A R Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 08:11

Afreed A R

I think your code need to update like:

$books = $this->bookModel
       ->join('author', 'author.id', '=', 'book.author_id')
       ->where('book.id', '=', $id)
       ->select('book.*', 'author.name_1 as authorname1')
   return view('backend.book.edit', compact('books'));

Hope this work for you!

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AddWeb Solution Pvt Ltd Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 07:11

AddWeb Solution Pvt Ltd