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Circular shift in c



People also ask

What is circular left shift?

The circular shift can be of two types: Left circular shift (moving the final bit to the first position while shifting all other bits to the next position). Right circular shift (moving the first bit to the last position while shifting all other bits to the previous position).

What does Rightrotate mean?

Bit Rotation: A rotation (or circular shift) is an operation similar to shift except that the bits that fall off at one end are put back to the other end. In left rotation, the bits that fall off at left end are put back at right end. In right rotation, the bits that fall off at right end are put back at left end.

Is C right shift logical?

Most C and C++ implementations, and Go, choose which right shift to perform depending on the type of integer being shifted: signed integers are shifted using the arithmetic shift, and unsigned integers are shifted using the logical shift.

This is a method of doing a circular shift. Suppose that x is 8 bits.

| x1   x2   x3   x4   x5   x6   x7   x8 |

Then, shifting it left by 3 gives us:

| x4   x5   x6   x7   x8    0    0    0 |

Now, CHAR_BIT*sizeof(x) is the same as the width of x in bits, 8. So shifting x to the right by 8 - 3 gives us:

| 0    0    0    0    0    x1   x2   x3 |

And taking the OR you get:

| x4   x5   x6   x7   x8   x1   x2   x3 |

This is technically non-portable because it is non-portable to shift by an amount equal to the width of the type -- so if shift is 8, then the left shift is wrong, and if the shift is 0, then the right shift is wrong. However, this works in practice on all three common behaviors when shifting by the type width. (In practice, the shift amount is reduced by some modulo -- either the bit width of the type or some larger number.)

It is called a circular shift or "rotation" because the bits that get shifted out on the left get shifted back in on the right.

Sophisticated compilers will actually compile the code down to a hardware rotation instruction.

CHAR_BIT is the number of bits per byte, should be 8 always.

shift is the number of bits you want to shift left in a circular fashion, so the bits that get shifted out left, come back on the right.

     1110 0000 << 2 results in:
     1000 0011

code for the example:

   y = (x << 2) | (x >> (8 - 2));

(x << shift) 

Shifts it 'shift' number of bits to the left, returns the shifted out bits

(x >> (sizeof(x)*CHAR_BIT - shift));

Makes space for accommodating those bits

CHAR_BIT is the number of bits in char, so is 8 mostly. In C, you don't handle one bit at a time, but at a minimum, char number of bits. So that is the granularity you get.

In general,

For a char, when you do a bit-rotate, you would do it on an 8-bit field (1 byte)

For an int, when you do a rotate, you would do it on a 32-bit field (4 bytes)

Example with 8 bits:

x = 11010101
shift = 2

x << (shift) = 01010100 //shifted left by 2 bits

= x >> ((1 * CHAR_BIT) - shift)
= x >> (6) 
= 00000011 //shifted right by 6bits

OR these bit-wise to give

01010100 //x << 2
00000011 //x >> 6

That is the circular shifted value by 2 bits

This works with unsigned types only. In the case with a signed negative number most left bits will be substituted by the value of most significant bit (with 1-s) by the right-shift operator (">>")

I'd write it like this:

y = (x << shift) | ( (x >> (sizeof(x)*CHAR_BIT - shift)) & (0x7F >> (sizeof(x)*CHAR_BIT - shift) );

In here before "|" operator we do confirm that first n bits ( n = sizeof(x)*CHAR_BIT - shift) are zeroed. We also assume, that x is short (2-bytes long). So, it's also type-dependent.