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circleci deployment to heroku failed on git push

I just set up a new project to deploy to heroku from circleci. I have my build script as follows:

git push [email protected]:socialjusticebingo.git $CIRCLE_SHA1:refs/heads/master

In the console from my circleci build I see the following:

remote: Verifying deploy... done.
To [email protected]:socialjusticebingo.git
 ! [remote rejected] ca5c72a28f7ca9c793becd122e6bc73bf8f34b44 -> master (missing necessary objects)
like image 484
Jessamyn Smith Avatar asked Dec 14 '22 14:12

Jessamyn Smith

1 Answers

Apparently this issue is related to shallow clones. I was able to get past the issue by altering my deployment script to read as follows:

git fetch origin --unshallow
git push [email protected]:socialjusticebingo.git $CIRCLE_SHA1:refs/heads/master
like image 107
Jessamyn Smith Avatar answered Dec 24 '22 21:12

Jessamyn Smith