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how to add dlls to bitbucket using sourcetree

I am trying to upload a .net project to bitbucket repository. For this I'm using atlassian SourceTree. First when I upload the working directory, it didnot show the dlls in working copy changes or staging changes.

However after changing the global ignore list (tools->options->Git->EditFile), removing the dll entry, it started showing. But the staged changes are not pushing to the repository. It always says up-to-date.

like image 401
Krishna Sarma Avatar asked Dec 15 '22 21:12

Krishna Sarma

2 Answers

I just took a stab at this.

I first had to see the dll files in the SourceTree GUI, so I selected the 'Ignored' option from the dropdown on the Commit form.

SourceTree Commit Dropdown

Then I checked each one. As I did, the file was added to the Pending list.

Ignored checkboxes

like image 108
historyguy64 Avatar answered Dec 17 '22 11:12


Staged changes aren't enough: they need to be committed fist, before being able to be pushed.

Note that dll are ignored by default, because they are supposed to be:

  • generated from the source
  • downloaded from a declaration (like a Nuget file)

, and are not versioned in a source version control system.

like image 36
VonC Avatar answered Dec 17 '22 10:12
