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Chrome Not Printing Correctly On First Print When Using Open Sans Font

Updated Question

So, I've found what's causing this issue. It is, in fact, open sans as suggested in this question. Now my question is, why is Chrome not loading the first time when using Open Sans?

Here's what I'm seeing. Open Sans is included directly in the project. Instead of the import statement like in the question above, we have a number of @font-face css rules such as this one:

@font-face {
    font-family:'Open Sans';
    format('embedded-opentype'), url('../fonts/OpenSans-Light-webfont.woff')
    format('woff'), url('../fonts/OpenSans-Light-webfont.ttf')
    format('truetype'), url('../fonts/OpenSans-Light-webfont.svg#open_sanslight')    

If I comment those out, the <h3> tags I use load fine. If I leave those in, they don't load the first time but do load every subsequent time. Has anyone else using Open Sans seen this issue? How did you fix it?

Original Question

I'm stumped on an issue with Google Chrome and printing. There are a few specific elements that are missing when opening print for the first time. Each time after that first time everything loads fine. It's like the CSS rules didn't quite finish processing before the print preview renders.

The page is using Bootstrap 3 along with some custom styles. The HTML for the element in question is as follows:

<h3 class="myHide">Some text</h3>

The screen/normal CSS is as follows:

.myHide { display: none !important; }

The print CSS is as follows:

.myHide { display: block !important; }

Unfortunately I cannot share the actual CSS and HTML, but the above is identical in function. The first time I hit print, every <h3> with that class doesn't show up but there is blank space where it should be. Every time I hit print after that it shows fine. I'm only seeing this issue in Chrome. FF and IE work fine every time no matter how I print.

I've tried a few things which were mainly small tweaks to the CSS. One thing I tried was switching from the custom class to show/hide stuff to the ones offered in Bootstrap, but the same behavior was observed. I've spent quite a while googling solutions, trialing different options, and talking with others about this, but haven't found a working solution yet which leads me here hoping someone out there has seen this.

Note: I've looked at a similar question but fonts aren't imported like that for this project so that solution won't work (unless it's an issue with Open Sans itself and not an issue with how it's imported into the project).

Update: The page does have some functions listening for the print event. Specifically, I use onbeforeprint and onafterprint for FF and IE and I use matchMedia for Chrome. I'm still looking into them, but it seems unreasonable that these would be delaying the processing for CSS styles and HTML elements on the first time but not subsequent times. However, I'll keep looking into it.

like image 948
jvdub Avatar asked Oct 28 '15 20:10


People also ask

Why is my font messed up in Chrome?

Go to Control Panel > Appearance and Personalization > Display > Adjust ClearType text (on the left). Check the box entitled “Turn on ClearType.” After going through a short wizard, this will fix some of the text rendering issues in Chrome.

How do I print exactly what I see on Google Chrome?

Open the web page. 2. Click on File – Print preview 3. Change the drop-down selection from “As Laid Out on Screen” to Only the Selected Frame” (this will not show the headers and footers upon printing).

1 Answers

Ended up just changing the styles used. Instead of using display: none I'm now using the following:

.my-hide {
  display: block !important;
  height: 0px;
  overflow: hidden;
@media print {
  .my-hide {
    height: auto;

For some reason these CSS rules get processed in time while the others don't.

like image 171
jvdub Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 01:10
