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Chrome Extension stalls in "Publishing in progress"

I have successfully uploaded Test (exposed only to tester accounts) / Production versions of our Google Chrome Extension using my developer account.

The problem appeared after trying to migrate our Chrome Extensions to a newly created Google Group (so as to enable collaboration for publishing different versions etc).

Now, every new version we are trying to publish stalls in "Publishing in progress" mode.

Any ideas on why this error started and how we could overcome it?

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nikosd23 Avatar asked Mar 19 '23 21:03


1 Answers

Usually it shouldn't take more than 1 hour. They did file a bug recently about somebody else in your situation:


Which seems to be fixed.

Try to cancel your current publishing in progress status, and publish again. Also, make sure you update the manifest version to a newer one.

like image 67
otrebla Avatar answered Apr 08 '23 18:04
