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Current TabID for pageAction

I'm new in programming chrome extensions and this is/will be my first extension.

What I Want: For now I want to do a pageAction for a page, if a certain html-tag is shown. To do a pageAction it seems that I have to know the TabID of the current tab, so I tried this, which doesn't work (see comments in the code):

manifest.json (that works fine, just to show you what my manifest looks like)




searchTag.js (the code is more or less like in answer of Arithmomaniac in how to get current tabId from background page)

if (document.getElementById("idIWant")) {
    var currentTab;
    alert(currentTab);  //this works and gives an alert with "undefined"
    //now the alert in the function callback doesn't work
        {currentWindow: true, active: true},
        function(tabArray) {
            currentTab = tabArray[0].id;

So what's wrong with my code? It seems that I did not use the chrome.tabs.query() correctly but I don't see it.

like image 527
Sven Richter Avatar asked Mar 23 '23 18:03

Sven Richter

1 Answers

searchTag.js is a content script (https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/content_scripts.html), which does not have access to chrome.tabs API. You have to send a message from the content script to the background page (https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/messaging.html), and call chrome.tabs.query in the background page. For example:


if (document.getElementById("idIWant")) {


var currentTab;

chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
  if (request == 'showPageAction') {
        {currentWindow: true, active: true},
        function(tabArray) {
            if (tabArray && tabArray[0])
    // sender will also contain the tab id so you can simply use
    // if (sender)
    //     chrome.pageAction.show(sender.tab.id);

And add this to the manifest.json

"background": {
  "scripts": ["bg.js"],
  "persistent": true
like image 90
方 觉 Avatar answered Mar 28 '23 03:03

方 觉