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Chrome extension inject sidebar into page


I would like my chrome extension to be able to inject a 300px sidebar on the right side of any page when it is activated. I am looking for the best way to constrain the entire page to document.body.clientWidth - 300, thereby leaving the 300px on the right for my sidebar. The sidebar I currently inject is appended to document.body and has a style like so:

position: fixed
top: 0px
right: 0px

I need a way to prevent the existing page elements from bleeding over into my sidebar. I was hoping that there would be a way to trick the existing elements into thinking that they were rendering into a browser client 300px narrower than their actual window thereby leaving space for my sidebar but I haven't found any easy way to do so...

like image 366
Dark Castle Avatar asked Apr 11 '12 05:04

Dark Castle

2 Answers

I believe this is easier. First add padding to the body to make space for the sidebar. Then, create a div containing your sidebar. Position the div relative to the right and top of the page using CSS with fixed-positioning. Also set the height and width of the sidebar div.

Code (uses JQuery):

  var sidebar;
    'padding-right': '350px'
  sidebar = $("<div id='sidebar'></div>");
    'position': 'fixed',
    'right': '0px',
    'top': '0px',
    'z-index': 9999,
    'width': '290px',
    'height': '100%',
    'background-color': 'blue'  // Confirm it shows up
like image 152
ssw Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 23:11



For anyone googling, overhauled this to reflect what I'm actually using in an app, use jQuery, have more safeguards, and be more respectful of current page css.

//height of top bar, or width in your case
var height = '30px';

//resolve html tag, which is more dominant than <body>
  var html;
  if (document.documentElement) {
    html = $(document.documentElement); //just drop $ wrapper if no jQuery
  } else if (document.getElementsByTagName('html') && document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0]) {
    html = $(document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0]);
  } else if ($('html').length > -1) {//drop this branch if no jQuery
    html = $('html');
  } else {
    alert('no html tag retrieved...!');
    throw 'no html tag retrieved son.';

if (html.css('position') === 'static') { //or //or getComputedStyle(html).position
  html.css('position', 'relative');//or use .style or setAttribute

//top (or right, left, or bottom) offset
var currentTop = html.css('top');//or getComputedStyle(html).top
if (currentTop === 'auto') {
  currentTop = 0;
} else {
  currentTop = parseFloat($('html').css('top')); //parseFloat removes any 'px' and returns a number type
  'top',     //make sure we're -adding- to any existing values
  currentTop + parseFloat(height) + 'px'

You're almost done. You've styled the page html. You might have noticed css from the page affects your stuff to. You can resolve this by containing it within an iframe:

var iframeId = 'someSidebar';
if (document.getElementById(iframeId)) {
  alert('id:' + iframeId + 'taken please dont use this id!');
  throw 'id:' + iframeId + 'taken please dont use this id!';
  '<iframe id="'+iframeId+'" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="false" '+
    'style="position: fixed; width: 100%;border:none;z-index: 2147483647; top: 0px;'+
           'height: '+height+';right: 0px;left: 0px;">'+
document.getElementById(iframeId).contentDocument.body.innerHTML =
  '<style type="text/css">\
    html, body {          \
      height: '+height+'; \
      width: 100%;        \
      z-index: 2147483647;\
    }                     \
  </style>                \
  <p>UNSTYLED HTML!</p>';

Yes, you have to append the iframe before setting the innerHTML

You should be able to copy/paste and edit this and be one your way!

like image 44
2 revs Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 01:11

2 revs