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Chrome extension, how to Modify page content (add something) [duplicate]

I'm new to Chrome extension development, my first project (to learn) is to create an extension that adds some html to another website's existing page.

I plan on creating a 'page' action which fires for a page with a certain URL...

Has anyone seen a tutorial like this, or do you know of an API for adding html to a page?

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Roger Curran Avatar asked Jan 12 '12 16:01

Roger Curran

People also ask

Can I modify Chrome extension?

Steps to use the extension: 1) Go to any website. 2) Click on the extension. 3) Start editing texts in the website like h1 tags or p tags or any tags. 4) Click on tht extension again to close edit mode & done!

How do you add a copy and paste extension?

Enable copy paste on websites that have disabled copy paste. How to use: - Click on the extension icon - After a popup is opened, use the “Enable copy paste for all websites” checkbox. - Manually refresh the page and see if the extension has successfully enabled copy paste functionality on the website.

2 Answers

You can find some example at Google Sample Extension page, however your question seems better answered on this other question.

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David Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 19:10


There are a number of sample extensions on the Chrome extension API site. There are a couple of browserAction examples that will be almost identical to using pageAction.

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abraham Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 20:10
