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How do I get the screen size to show when Chrome console is open?

I just upgraded to the latest version of Chrome (49.0.2623.87). I'm noticing a slight feature missing.

If I was inspecting a page with the console open and I resized the browser, in the upper-right hand corner Chrome used to have a small indicator of what the browser viewport size was. That's now gone. How do I get it back?

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The Qodesmith Avatar asked Mar 11 '16 02:03

The Qodesmith

People also ask

How do I see screen size in Chrome?

Chrome. Using the Chrome browser, right click / control click anywhere inside your content area and select Inspect Element. In Chrome, right-click (or control + click) in the content area and choose "Inspect Element" to open the element inspector.

How do I change the window size when I open Chrome?

You have to right-click on the right of your tab and choose "size", then click on your window, and it should keep it as the default size.

How do I check my browser screen size?

Use window. innerWidth and window. innerHeight to get the current screen size of a page.

How do I change my screen size in inspect?

There is a button in the inspect element in Chrome to toggle device toolbar. Click it, and you are done. Show activity on this post. When you've opened the inspector, click on the kebab menu on the top right(three vertical dots), there select the doc size to "undock into separate window".

2 Answers

Temporary solution:

1- Right click on html element in Developer Tools(Elements)

2- Click inside website window

enter image description here

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Alex Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 11:09


Known bug, already fixed: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=582421

It should land in M50. If you need it sooner then it is currently in Canary (side-by-side with standard Chromes) or you can use the Dev channel of Chrome.

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Garbee Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 11:09
