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chrome extension context menus, how to display a menu item only when there is no selection?

What I want to do is:

if the user does not select anything, display menu item A;

if the user selects something, display menu item B.

So far what I can get is:

if the user does not select anything, display menu item A;

if the user selects something, display both A and B.

I want to know:

how to make item A disappear when there is selection?

Many thanks!

Below is my code:

var all = chrome.contextMenus.create
    "title": "A",
    "onclick": doA

var selection = chrome.contextMenus.create
    "title": "B",
    "onclick": doB
like image 1000
Betty Avatar asked Jun 17 '11 07:06


1 Answers

You would need to inject a content script to every page which would check on mousedown event (before menu is displayed) whether or not there is a selection on the page, and then would send a command to a background page to create according menu items.


document.addEventListener("mousedown", function(event){
    //right click
    if(event.button == 2) {
        if(window.getSelection().toString()) {
            chrome.extension.sendRequest({cmd: "createSelectionMenu"});
        } else {
            chrome.extension.sendRequest({cmd: "createRegularMenu"});
}, true); 


chrome.extension.onRequest.addListener(function(request) {
    if(request.cmd == "createSelectionMenu") {
        chrome.contextMenus.removeAll(function() {
                "title": "B",
                "onclick": doB
    } else if(request.cmd == "createRegularMenu") {
        chrome.contextMenus.removeAll(function() {
                "title": "A",
                "onclick": doA
like image 69
serg Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 11:11
