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chrome sync storage to store and update array

is it possible to store array in chrome storage sync and retrieve them ?

var uarray = [abc,def,ghi];

Is it possible to update the stored array in the storage ?

var tobeadded = jkl;

this was the syntax in documentation

chrome.storage.sync.set({'value': theValue}, function() {
    // Notify that we saved.
    message('Settings saved');

My bookmark extension, need to store the id of bookmark and retrieve them for internal search and stuffs based on it. bookmarking needs update of ID in storage sync periodically.


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Gomathi Sankar Avatar asked Mar 30 '13 10:03

Gomathi Sankar

1 Answers

You can read the existing values, append the new value and store back.

Following sample code should allow you to add newArrEntry into existing array stored in chrome.storage.sync

chrome.storage.sync.get(["storagekey"], function(result) {
        var array = result[storagekey]?result[storagekey]:[];


        var jsonObj = {};
        jsonObj[storagekey] = array;
        chrome.storage.sync.set(jsonObj, function() {
            console.log("Saved a new array item");
like image 169
Nirmal Patel Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 07:11

Nirmal Patel