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Chrome extension content script re-injection after upgrade or install

After the Chrome extension I'm working on is installed, or upgraded, the content scripts (specified in the manifest) are not re-injected so a page refresh is required to make the extension work. Is there a way to force the scripts to be injected again?

I believe I could inject them again programmatically by removing them from the manifest and then handling which pages to inject in the background page, but this is not a good solution.

I don't want to automatically refresh the user's tabs because that could lose some of their data. Safari automatically refreshes all pages when you install or upgrade an extension.

like image 884
Tom Ashworth Avatar asked Jun 12 '12 10:06

Tom Ashworth

1 Answers

There's a way to allow a content script heavy extension to continue functioning after an upgrade, and to make it work immediately upon installation.


The install method is to simply iterate through all tabs in all windows, and inject some scripts programmatically into tabs with matching URLs.

Obviously, you have to do it in a background page or event page script declared in manifest.json:

"background": {     "scripts": ["background.js"] }, 


// Add a `manifest` property to the `chrome` object. chrome.manifest = chrome.runtime.getManifest();  var injectIntoTab = function (tab) {     // You could iterate through the content scripts here     var scripts = chrome.manifest.content_scripts[0].js;     var i = 0, s = scripts.length;     for( ; i < s; i++ ) {         chrome.tabs.executeScript(tab.id, {             file: scripts[i]         });     } }  // Get all windows chrome.windows.getAll({     populate: true }, function (windows) {     var i = 0, w = windows.length, currentWindow;     for( ; i < w; i++ ) {         currentWindow = windows[i];         var j = 0, t = currentWindow.tabs.length, currentTab;         for( ; j < t; j++ ) {             currentTab = currentWindow.tabs[j];             // Skip chrome:// and https:// pages             if( ! currentTab.url.match(/(chrome|https):\/\//gi) ) {                 injectIntoTab(currentTab);             }         }     } }); 



"background": {"service_worker": "background.js"}, "permissions": ["scripting"], "host_permissions": ["<all_urls"], 

These host_permissions should be the same as the content script's matches.


chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(async () => {   for (const cs of chrome.runtime.getManifest().content_scripts) {     for (const tab of await chrome.tabs.query({url: cs.matches})) {       chrome.scripting.executeScript({         target: {tabId: tab.id},         files: cs.js,       });     }   } }); 

This is a simplified example that doesn't handle frames. You can use getAllFrames API and match the URLs yourself, see the documentation for matching patterns.

Historical trivia

In ancient Chrome 26 and earlier content scripts could restore connection to the background script. It was fixed http://crbug.com/168263 in 2013. You can see an example of this trick in the earlier revisions of this answer.

like image 95
Tom Ashworth Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 16:09

Tom Ashworth