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Chrome Developer Tools - Performance profiling

In the below image (from chrome performance profiling tab for a API call), what is resource loading which costs 719 ms ?

If I visit the network tab, for the same API call, I see only 10.05 seconds.

What is resource loading mean here ? Is there any specific activity the browser does after receiving the data ?

enter image description here

like image 967
Magesh Narayanan Avatar asked Apr 01 '20 13:04

Magesh Narayanan

People also ask

How do I check my dev tools performance?

To access the Performance tab, navigate to the website you want to profile, then open Chrome DevTools by right-clicking and selecting Inspect. Select the Performance tab inside Chrome DevTools. The easiest way to capture a performance profile is by clicking the Start profiling and reload page icon.

What is profiling in Chrome?

Recording Website's Load Performance If you want to measure how your website loads, you can click the Start profiling and reload the page button next to the Record button. This will record what is going on and below the page while it's being loaded.

How do I monitor Chrome performance?

Open Chrome DevTools (CMD/CTRL + SHIFT + I) Open DevTools “Setting” -> “Experiments” tab. Press SHIFT 6 times (sorry 😜) to show the hidden features. Check the “Performance Monitor” checkbox.

What is profiler in dev tools?

The Profiler tab is very convenient as it provides a visual representation of render times and allows navigation through commits while viewing props and states of components. As a result, it allows for faster analysis and investigation of performance issues. In this article, we'll be looking at two main topics.

1 Answers

As @wOxxOM stated, buildNetworkRequestDetails is being called from Source Code

From the statement by @Sanju singh :

that statement doesn't tell anything, why it is taking that much time to make the resource available?

I think its necessary to break down exactly what is happening.. Summary: Activity Browser and Network Activity are using different algorithms for calculating completion. Network Activity is calculating the response times from the request and Activity Browser is calculating the response time + time it took to add it into the WebInspector tracer.

Looking at

   * @param {!TimelineModel.TimelineModel.NetworkRequest} request
   * @param {!TimelineModel.TimelineModel.TimelineModelImpl} model
   * @param {!Components.Linkifier.Linkifier} linkifier
   * @return {!Promise<!DocumentFragment>}
  static async buildNetworkRequestDetails(request, model, linkifier) {
    const target = model.targetByEvent(request.children[0]);
    const contentHelper = new TimelineDetailsContentHelper(target, linkifier);
    const category = TimelineUIUtils.networkRequestCategory(request);
    const color = TimelineUIUtils.networkCategoryColor(category);
    contentHelper.addSection(ls`Network request`, color);

    if (request.url) {
      contentHelper.appendElementRow(ls`URL`, Components.Linkifier.Linkifier.linkifyURL(request.url));

    // The time from queueing the request until resource processing is finished.
    const fullDuration = request.endTime - (request.getStartTime() || -Infinity);
    if (isFinite(fullDuration)) {
      let textRow = Number.millisToString(fullDuration, true);
      // The time from queueing the request until the download is finished. This
      // corresponds to the total time reported for the request in the network tab.
      const networkDuration = request.finishTime - request.getStartTime();
      // The time it takes to make the resource available to the renderer process.
      const processingDuration = request.endTime - request.finishTime;
      if (isFinite(networkDuration) && isFinite(processingDuration)) {
        const networkDurationStr = Number.millisToString(networkDuration, true);
        const processingDurationStr = Number.millisToString(processingDuration, true);
        const cacheOrNetworkLabel = request.cached() ? ls`load from cache` : ls`network transfer`;
        textRow += ls` (${networkDurationStr} ${cacheOrNetworkLabel} + ${processingDurationStr} resource loading)`;
      contentHelper.appendTextRow(ls`Duration`, textRow);

    if (request.requestMethod) {
      contentHelper.appendTextRow(ls`Request Method`, request.requestMethod);
    if (typeof request.priority === 'string') {
      const priority = PerfUI.NetworkPriorities.uiLabelForNetworkPriority(
          /** @type {!Protocol.Network.ResourcePriority} */ (request.priority));
      contentHelper.appendTextRow(ls`Priority`, priority);
    if (request.mimeType) {
      contentHelper.appendTextRow(ls`Mime Type`, request.mimeType);
    let lengthText = '';
    if (request.memoryCached()) {
      lengthText += ls` (from memory cache)`;
    } else if (request.cached()) {
      lengthText += ls` (from cache)`;
    } else if (request.timing && request.timing.pushStart) {
      lengthText += ls` (from push)`;
    if (request.fromServiceWorker) {
      lengthText += ls` (from service worker)`;
    if (request.encodedDataLength || !lengthText) {
      lengthText = `${Number.bytesToString(request.encodedDataLength)}${lengthText}`;
    contentHelper.appendTextRow(ls`Encoded Data`, lengthText);
    if (request.decodedBodyLength) {
      contentHelper.appendTextRow(ls`Decoded Body`, Number.bytesToString(request.decodedBodyLength));
    const title = ls`Initiator`;
    const sendRequest = request.children[0];
    const topFrame = TimelineModel.TimelineModel.TimelineData.forEvent(sendRequest).topFrame();
    if (topFrame) {
      const link = linkifier.maybeLinkifyConsoleCallFrame(target, topFrame, {tabStop: true});
      if (link) {
        contentHelper.appendElementRow(title, link);
    } else {
      const initiator = TimelineModel.TimelineModel.TimelineData.forEvent(sendRequest).initiator();
      if (initiator) {
        const initiatorURL = TimelineModel.TimelineModel.TimelineData.forEvent(initiator).url;
        if (initiatorURL) {
          const link = linkifier.maybeLinkifyScriptLocation(target, null, initiatorURL, 0, {tabStop: true});
          if (link) {
            contentHelper.appendElementRow(title, link);

    if (!request.previewElement && request.url && target) {
      request.previewElement = await Components.ImagePreview.ImagePreview.build(
          target, request.url, false,
          {imageAltText: Components.ImagePreview.ImagePreview.defaultAltTextForImageURL(request.url)});
    if (request.previewElement) {
      contentHelper.appendElementRow(ls`Preview`, request.previewElement);
    return contentHelper.fragment;

We can easily see that the request parameter is of type


NetWorkRequest has the following code:

_didStopRecordingTraceEvents: function()
        var metadataEvents = this._processMetadataEvents();
        var startTime = 0;
        for (var i = 0, length = metadataEvents.page.length; i < length; i++) {
            var metaEvent = metadataEvents.page[i];
            var process = metaEvent.thread.process();
            var endTime = i + 1 < length ? metadataEvents.page[i + 1].startTime : Infinity;
            this._currentPage = metaEvent.args["data"] && metaEvent.args["data"]["page"];
            for (var thread of process.sortedThreads()) {
                if (thread.name() === WebInspector.TimelineModel.WorkerThreadName && !metadataEvents.workers.some(function(e) { return e.args["data"]["workerThreadId"] === thread.id(); }))
                this._processThreadEvents(startTime, endTime, metaEvent.thread, thread);
            startTime = endTime;
        this._cpuProfiles = null;

We can see that endTime is being calculated from:


We can see that metaEvent.page is being set by:

_processMetadataEvents: function()
        var metadataEvents = this._tracingModel.devToolsMetadataEvents();
        var pageDevToolsMetadataEvents = [];
        var workersDevToolsMetadataEvents = [];
        for (var event of metadataEvents) {
            if (event.name === WebInspector.TimelineModel.DevToolsMetadataEvent.TracingStartedInPage)
            else if (event.name === WebInspector.TimelineModel.DevToolsMetadataEvent.TracingSessionIdForWorker)
        if (!pageDevToolsMetadataEvents.length) {
            // The trace is probably coming not from DevTools. Make a mock Metadata event.
            var pageMetaEvent = this._loadedFromFile ? this._makeMockPageMetadataEvent() : null;
            if (!pageMetaEvent) {
                console.error(WebInspector.TimelineModel.DevToolsMetadataEvent.TracingStartedInPage + " event not found.");
                return {page: [], workers: []};
        var sessionId = pageDevToolsMetadataEvents[0].args["sessionId"] || pageDevToolsMetadataEvents[0].args["data"]["sessionId"];
        this._sessionId = sessionId;
        var mismatchingIds = new Set();
         * @param {!WebInspector.TracingModel.Event} event
         * @return {boolean}
        function checkSessionId(event)
            var args = event.args;
            // FIXME: put sessionId into args["data"] for TracingStartedInPage event.
            if (args["data"])
                args = args["data"];
            var id = args["sessionId"];
            if (id === sessionId)
                return true;
            return false;
        var result = {
            page: pageDevToolsMetadataEvents.filter(checkSessionId).sort(WebInspector.TracingModel.Event.compareStartTime),
            workers: workersDevToolsMetadataEvents.filter(checkSessionId).sort(WebInspector.TracingModel.Event.compareStartTime)
        if (mismatchingIds.size)
            WebInspector.console.error("Timeline recording was started in more than one page simultaneously. Session id mismatch: " + this._sessionId + " and " + mismatchingIds.valuesArray() + ".");
        return result;
like image 111
THE AMAZING Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 14:10