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Chrome console + text editor

I find myself typing javascript in the console alot. For example I quickly want to see the result if I change the propery of a certain object. However everytime that I refresh the page I have to re-define my variables etc. I do this by using the up-key so I do not have to retype but this costs alot of time. I was wondering how other people do this?

The ultimate coolness would be an environment like sublime text in which you can write multi line code and from there execute it directly in the browser... And than still have the autocomplete list of all the methods of an object (like in the console). Obviously this is not available, but I am very interesting in the workflow of other when typing javascript in the console.

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driechel Avatar asked Oct 17 '12 11:10


People also ask

Can I use Chrome as a text editor?

Text. app is a simple text editor for Chrome OS and Chrome. It's fast, lets you open multiple files at once, has syntax highlighting, and saves to Google Drive on Chrome OS.

1 Answers

In Chrome 24's Sources panel, use the Snippets tab. Right-click in the left (blank) tree and choose New from the context menu.

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Alexander Pavlov Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 00:10

Alexander Pavlov