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Stop Chrome “restore previous session” function

I am running chrome in kiosk mode. I had a background application that will kill chrome if the internet connection fails. When the connection is retored, it launches chrome again. However when it relaunched I have the “restore previous session” bubble show up. I don’t want it to do that. I want it to simply open up the startup pages that are defined in the startup settings.

Anyway to do this?

I know incognito mode does this but I need the cookies and passwords autocompletion on!

like image 909
Zed0121 Avatar asked Feb 15 '18 09:02


People also ask

How do I stop Chrome from restoring previous session?

Select the Settings option from this menu as highlighted in the following image: In the Google Chrome Settings window, scroll down to the “On start-up” section and then select the Open the New Tab page radio button as highlighted in the image shown below for restricting Google Chrome from restoring tabs.

Does Google Chrome have a Restore Previous session?

If you only need to restore one session or browser window, you can follow these steps: Open the Chrome menu (click the 3-dot menu in the upper-right corner of Chrome) Click History. Click # Tabs results to restore all the closed tabs from your session at once.

How do I restore Chrome without reset button and last session and last tabs?

The Ctrl+Shift+T command can also reopen crashed or closed Chrome windows. You can keep pressing this shortcut until it runs out of tabs and closed windows to restore.

1 Answers

One way to do that is open "Preferences" file in path

"C:\Users...\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default"

and edit it modifing the entry:

  • "exit_type":"none"
  • "exited_cleanly":true

Save the file as read only.

Hope this help you.

like image 191
Fabio_MO Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 12:11
