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Chrome console api - change network throttling programmatically

Does the chrome developer console have an API to change the network throttle?

I've been looking through the documentation and not come across anything yet, however is there perhaps an undocumented / dug deep somewhere feature?

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Alex KeySmith Avatar asked Aug 10 '15 10:08

Alex KeySmith

People also ask

How do I stop chrome from throttling my network?

Open Chrome DevTools. Navigate to the Network Tab and open the Throttling dropdown which is set to Online by default. From the dropdown menu highlighted (as shown in the image above), select Slow 3G. 5.

How do I use throttler URL?

Install and specify the URL with a delay in milliseconds. Whenever the browser requests that URL, the response will be delayed by that amount of time. URLs not matching the ones you enter will behave as they normally would.

What is throttling in network tab?

Network throttling is an intentional slowing down of internet speed. In web performance, network throttling, or network condition emulation, it is used to emulate low bandwidth conditions experienced by likely a large segment of a site's target user base.

1 Answers

I'm the technical writer for DevTools. I'm just going to answer this question narrowly:

Does the chrome developer console have an API to change the network throttle?

No. There is no API that you can run from the DevTools Console that allows you to change the network throttling speed. You can file a feature request at https://crbug.com. If you do create a request, please post the URL as a comment to this answer, and I'll update this answer to point people to that ticket. The more people star the request, the higher priority it gets.

P.S. when I say "the Console" I'm referring to this "tab" (we call them "panels"):

The Console

The collective set of features is just called DevTools.

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Kayce Basques Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 23:09

Kayce Basques