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Chocolatey - Git installs, but is not on the PATH



I'm using Chocolatey (v0.9.8.27) as a package manager for Windows. I've installed multiple packages, and they all run fine, but for some reason Git isn't working.

The command I used was choco install git. It downloads git and git.install to the lib folder, and says that the install finished successfully, but nothing ends up in the bin folder. When I try to start Git, I get an error about it not being a recognized command.

My first thought was to check my environment variables, but I don't even see any executables to point to. Has anyone else come across this before?

like image 928
serverpunk Avatar asked Aug 04 '14 23:08


People also ask

Where does Chocolatey install files?

By default, the Chocolatey client is installed into the C:\ProgramData\Chocolatey local directory on the Windows computer.

How do I know if git is installed on my path?

Check If Git is Installed You can check whether Git is installed and what version you are using by opening up a terminal window in Linux or Mac, or a command prompt window in Windows, and typing the following command: git --version.

How do I change where git installs?

The default path is “C:\Program Files\Git“. If you want the software installed in a different location click Browse and specify a different folder. Click Next when ready to proceed. On this step, you are prompted to provide the name of the Start Menu folder in which the shortcuts for the application will be placed.

How do I download git using Chocolatey?

install 64 bit from 'https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/releases/download/v2.11.0.windows.1/Git-2.11.0-64-bit.exe' Progress: 100% - Completed download of C:\Users\sp_farm\AppData\Local\Temp\chocolatey\git. install\2.11. 0\Git-2.11. 0-64- it.exe (32.87 MB).

1 Answers

Some folks might be running into this currently as there's an issue with the current version ( of the git.install package.

This can be gotten around by installing the previous version with:

choco install git.install -version

like image 88
MushinNoShin Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 05:10
