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Checking nested property that can be null

I've the following data in my collection:

{ colour: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 }},
{ colour: null },

How can I find all the documents that have colour == null or color.r between some values?

I've tried

.find({ where: { $or: [{colour: null}, {"colour.r": {$gt: 0, $lt: 100}}]}})

but of course this gives me cannot read property 'r' of null for null rows.

like image 396
eithed Avatar asked May 31 '15 16:05


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3 Answers

Use $where only if there is no other way to express your query

db.test.find({$or: [{"colour": null}, {"colour.r": {$gt: 0, $lt: 100}}]})
like image 148
styvane Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09


For sake of completeness:

db.test.find({$nor: [{"colour.r": {$lte: 0}}, {"colour.r": {$gte: 100}}]})

$nor will match all documents that fail the expressions.

Here, you don't have to explicitly test for null as it is neither greater nor lower than any number -- hence, will fail the tests, just like any number in the range (0,100)1

1Exclusive. If you need to find every document in the range [0,100] inclusive, replace $gte (resp. $lte) by $gt (resp. $lt).

like image 34
Sylvain Leroux Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09

Sylvain Leroux

Unless don't need a single query, you could run 2 queries:

  1. Find all documents where color == null
  2. Find all documents where color != null and color between 0 and 100
like image 24
Barny Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 14:09
