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Checking if process returned an error | C#





After declaring & starting a process as below:

System.Diagnostics.Process _p = new System.Diagnostics.Process();

There are two possibilities now: Either an output or an error.

In case an error happens, is there any property of Process class by which to know if error occurred?

I am redirecting the standard output, I don't want to redirect standard Error as warned in MSDN. Also I don't want to use: BeginOutputReadLine();

Are there any alternatives?

Thank you.

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R.C Avatar asked Dec 28 '12 13:12


2 Answers

I have a service that needs to start processes and wait for them to exit, and I use something like:

int timeout = ... // some normal value in milliseconds


   //ExitCode throws if the process is hanging
   return (CommandErrorCode)process.ExitCode;
catch (InvalidOperationException ioex)
   return CommandErrorCode.InternalError;

where CommandErrorCode is something like

public enum CommandErrorCode
    Success = 0,
    //some other values I know from the processes that are managed
    InternalError = 256 // the ExitCode is a byte, so this out of that range

Btw, I redirect both standard output and standard error, and use BeginXXXReadLine and the XXXDataReceived handlers, and do not have any issues, but the processes I use are known, well-defined, and well-behaved.

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SWeko Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 22:10


Here is a code snippet , hope this helps

http://ss64.com/nt/cmd.html for cmd.exe help

private int CallShell(string exeCommand, string Parameters)
            This function will actually take the shell string and envoke the appropriate process
             passing it the arguments to do the work

            // Initialize the process and its StartInfo properties.
            System.Diagnostics.Process ProcessEXE = new System.Diagnostics.Process();

            logger.DebugFormat("About to Start Process - {0} {1}",exeCommand, Parameters);

                ProcessEXE.StartInfo.FileName = exeCommand;

                // Set UseShellExecute to false for redirection.
                //  false if the process should be created directly from the executable file
                ProcessEXE.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
                ProcessEXE.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory;

                //EnableRaisingEvents property indicates whether the component should be notified when the operating system has shut down a process

                ProcessEXE.StartInfo.Arguments = Parameters;

                ProcessEXE.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
                ProcessEXE.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
                ProcessEXE.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
                ProcessEXE.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;

                ProcessEXE.OutputDataReceived += new System.Diagnostics.DataReceivedEventHandler(ProcessEXE_OutputDataReceived);
                ProcessEXE.ErrorDataReceived += new System.Diagnostics.DataReceivedEventHandler(ProcessEXE_OutputDataReceived);

                logger.DebugFormat("Process Started.");

                // Start the asynchronous read of the sort output stream.

                //The WaitForExit overload is used to make the current thread wait until the associated process terminates
                logger.DebugFormat("Process Waiting for exit.");

                if (ProcessEXE.ExitCode == 0)
                    logger.Debug(string.Format("Shell Process exited with exit code {0}", ProcessEXE.ExitCode));
                // throw error here if required - check the return error code
                    logger.Warn(string.Format("Shell Process exited with exit code {0}", ProcessEXE.ExitCode));
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Method:{0}", ex.TargetSite), ex);

            return ProcessEXE.ExitCode;

void ProcessEXE_OutputDataReceived(object sender, System.Diagnostics.DataReceivedEventArgs e)
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(string.Empty);
                if (e == null) return;

                if (e.Data == null)
                    //No processing
                   // your logic to detect error msg out from output - if at all required

                if (sb.ToString().ToUpper().IndexOf("ERROR") > 0)
                    string smessage = "Error text found in  output.";

                // do your error response action here .

            catch (Exception exp)
                logger.ErrorFormat("Error in ProcessEXE_OutputDataReceived Message:{0}", exp.Message);
                logger.ErrorFormat("Error in ProcessEXE_OutputDataReceived Data Received:{0}", e.Data);

            // either throw error msg or kill the process 
                // Not throwing the exception
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aked Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 23:10
