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Checking for missing parameter in function



Is this the correct way to check for a missing parameter in a function? Would this work in all browsers? How about IE?

function getName(name){     name = name != null ? name : "default";     return name; } 
like image 738
3coins Avatar asked Oct 03 '12 19:10


People also ask

What are missing parameters?

The missing function is used to check the status of the function arguments. It returns a boolean vector that has one element for each argument. If an element of the vector has the value T, it indicates that the corresponding argument is missing and, as a result, is filled in by a default value.

What is missing argument to function call?

The missing argument is an object that triggers an error if and only if it is the result of evaluating a symbol. No error is produced when a function call evaluates to the missing argument object.

What do you call the Missing arguments JavaScript?

The JavaScript exception "missing formal parameter" occurs when your function declaration is missing valid parameters.

1 Answers

The way to check for parameters depends on what type of information you're passing to the function, and how you want your function to handle edge cases.

In most cases, you can use:

... bar = bar || ...default value here... ... 

However, it might be an issue when you want to pass in falsey values (false, 0, NaN, '', undefined, null):

function foo(bar) {    bar = bar || 5    console.log(bar)  }    foo()          // 5  foo(undefined) // 5  foo(null)      // 5  foo(1)         // 1  foo(0)         // 5, probably not what you wanted

Instead, you can check against undefined:

... if (bar == undefined) {     bar = 5 } ... 

...however using the loose check allows both null and undefined to be overwritten (null == undefined):

function foo(bar) {    if (bar == undefined) {        bar = 5    }    console.log(bar)  }    foo()          // 5  foo(undefined) // 5  foo(null)      // 5  foo(1)         // 1

So instead, a strict equality comparison (===) is generally preferred (null !== undefined):

function foo(bar) {    if (bar === undefined) {         bar = 5    }    console.log(bar)  }    foo()          // 5  foo(undefined) // 5  foo(null)      // null  foo(1)         // 1

ES2015 introduced default parameters, which are essentially equivalent to strict checking against undefined:

function foo(bar = 5) {    console.log(bar)  }    foo()          // 5  foo(undefined) // 5  foo(null)      // null  foo(1)         // 1

This could lead to trouble if you need to know whether undefined was passed as a parameter.

If you want to be absolutely certain that you're not passing up an argument that was provided, you can check the number of arguments passed to the function:

... if (arguments.length < 1) {   bar = 5 } ... 

Which means that you can successfully pass undefined as an argument while also choosing to use a different default:

function foo(bar) {    if (arguments.length < 1) {      bar = 5    }    console.log(bar)  }    foo()          // 5  foo(undefined) // undefined  foo(null)      // null  foo(1)         // 1

If you have multiple parameters, you may want to use multiple defaults. I've recently found a use case for fallthrough on a switch statement, although the utility is questionable:

function foo(bar, baz, fizz, buzz) {    switch (arguments.length) {      case 0:        bar = 1;        //continue; might as well point out that implicit fall-through is desired      case 1:        baz = 2;        //continue;      case 2:        fizz = 3;        //continue;      case 3:        buzz = 4;        //continue;    }    console.log(bar, baz, fizz, buzz)  }    foo()               // 1 2 3 4  foo(10)             // 10 2 3 4  foo(10, 20)         // 10 20 3 4  foo(10, 20, 30)     // 10 20 30 4  foo(10, 20, 30, 40) // 10 20 30 40
like image 157
zzzzBov Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 16:10
