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Checking a null value in Objective-C that has been returned from a JSON string

I have a JSON object that is coming from a webserver.

The log is something like this:

{              "status":"success",    "UserID":15,    "Name":"John",    "DisplayName":"John",    "Surname":"Smith",    "Email":"email",    "Telephone":null,    "FullAccount":"true" } 

Note the Telephone is coming in as null if the user doesn't enter one.

When assigning this value to a NSString, in the NSLog it's coming out as <null>

I am assigning the string like this:

NSString *tel = [jsonDictionary valueForKey:@"Telephone"]; 

What is the correct way to check this <null> value? It's preventing me from saving a NSDictionary.

I have tried using the conditions [myString length] and myString == nil and myString == NULL

Additionally where is the best place in the iOS documentation to read up on this?

like image 243
Chris Avatar asked Jan 29 '11 20:01


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To find the difference between null and undefined, use the triple equality operator or Object is() method. To loosely check if the variable is null, use a double equality operator(==). The double equality operator can not tell the difference between null and undefined, so it counts as same.

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JSON has two types of null valueWhen the key is provided, and the value is explicitly stated as null . When the key is not provided, and the value is implicitly null .

1 Answers

<null> is how the NSNull singleton logs. So:

if (tel == (id)[NSNull null]) {     // tel is null } 

(The singleton exists because you can't add nil to collection classes.)

like image 151
Wevah Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 00:10
