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Check if there is a path that connects two vertices in a graph using MiniZinc




I'm trying to make a constraint to check if there is a path from a vertex A to a vertex B in a graph. I've already made a constraint that returns the path itself, but I also need a function that returns a bool indicating if the path exists or not.

I've already spent a lot of time on it, but none of my tries was successful...

Does anyone has any idea of what could I do?

Here is the function that I've made that returns the path itself, wherein graph is an adjacency matrix and source and target are the vertexes A and B:

function array [int] of var int: path(array[int,int] of int: graph, int: source, int: target)::promise_total =
let {
    set of int: V = index_set_1of2(graph);
    int: order = card(V);
    set of int: indexes = 1..order;
    array[indexes] of var (V union {-1}): path_array;
    var indexes: path_nodes_count; % the 'size' of the path

    constraint assert(index_set_1of2(graph) = index_set_2of2(graph), "The adjacency matrix is not square", true);
    constraint assert({source, target} subset V, "Source and target must be vertexes", true);

    constraint path_array[1] == source;
    constraint path_array[path_nodes_count] == target;

    constraint forall(i in 2..path_nodes_count) ( graph[ path_array[i-1], path_array[i] ] != 0 );

    constraint forall(i in indexes, where i > path_nodes_count) ( path_array[i] = -1 );

    constraint forall(i,j in indexes, where i<j /\ j<=path_nodes_count) ( path_array[i] != path_array[j] );
} in path_array;

And here, one of my tries of adapting the code above:

predicate exists_path(array[int,int] of int: graph, int: source, int: target)::promise_total =
let {
    set of int: V = index_set_1of2(graph);
    int: order = card(V);
    set of int: indexes = 1..order;
    array[indexes] of var (V union {-1}): path_array;

    constraint assert(index_set_1of2(graph) = index_set_2of2(graph), "The adjacency matrix is not square", true);
    constraint assert({source, target} subset V, "Source and target must be vertexes", true);
exists(path_nodes_count in indexes) (
    path_array[1] == source /\
    path_array[path_nodes_count] == target /\
    forall(i in 2..path_nodes_count) ( graph[ path_array[i-1], path_array[i] ] != 0 ) /\
    forall(i,j in indexes, where i<j /\ j<=path_nodes_count) ( path_array[i] != path_array[j] )

I'm testing the constraints using the following model:

int: N;
array[1..N, 1..N] of 0..1: adj_mat;
array[1..N] of var int: path;

% These should work:
constraint exists_path(adj_mat, 1, 3) = true;
constraint exists_path(adj_mat, 4, 1) = false;

% These should raise =====UNSATISFIABLE=====
constraint exists_path(adj_mat, 1, 3) = false;
constraint exists_path(adj_mat, 4, 1) = true;

solve satisfy;

% If you want to check the working constraint:
% constraint path = path(adj_mat, 1, 3);
% constraint path = path(adj_mat, 4, 1); <- This finds out that the model is unsatisfiable
% output[show(path)];

And here, some example data:

/* 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 */

adj_mat = [|
    0, 1, 0, 0,|
    0, 0, 1, 0,|
    0, 0, 0, 1,|
    0, 0, 0, 0 |];


/* Disconnected graph

1---2---6     4
 \ /          |
  3           5   */

adj_mat = [|
    0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, |
    1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, |
    1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, |
    0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, |
    0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, |
    0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0  |];



like image 801
Marcos Creuz Filho Avatar asked Nov 10 '22 03:11

Marcos Creuz Filho

1 Answers

Here is what I do:

include "globals.mzn";
int: N;
array[1..N, 1..N] of 0..1: adj_mat;
array[1..N] of var 0..N: path;
solve satisfy;
constraint exists_path(1,3);

adj_mat = [|
    0, 1, 0, 0,|
    0, 0, 1, 0,|
    0, 0, 0, 1,|
    0, 0, 0, 0 |];

constraint alldifferent_except_0(path);
predicate exists_path_length(int: s, int: t, int: len) = 
          path[1]=s /\ path[len]=t /\ forall(i in len+1..N)(path[i]=0) /\          
          forall(i in 1..len-1)( adj_mat[path[i],path[i+1]]=1);
predicate exists_path(int: s, int: t) = exists(len in 2..N)(exists_path_length(s,t,len));

Note: (1) it's important to restrict the path's domains (in my code I set it to 0..N), otherwise MiniZinc can run forever due to huge number of decision choices. (2) Ideally, the global constraint alldifferent_except_0 should be put inside exists_path_length but it is done like this to avoid the problem of reification (check out Coursera courses on MiniZinc for more info).

like image 84
Chav Likit Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 02:01

Chav Likit