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Check if template argument is inherited from class




I want to check if the type given to a template is inherited from a base class in my project.

It should work like one would expect it from the following example:

template< class T : public CBaseClass >
  • Is it possible to do this with templates, if not, how else can I do it?
like image 590
Oktstrom Avatar asked Feb 22 '11 21:02


People also ask

Can template functions be inherited?

It is possible to inherit from a template class. All the usual rules for inheritance and polymorphism apply. If we want the new, derived class to be generic it should also be a template class; and pass its template parameter along to the base class.

Can we pass Nontype parameters to templates?

Template classes and functions can make use of another kind of template parameter known as a non-type parameter. A template non-type parameter is a template parameter where the type of the parameter is predefined and is substituted for a constexpr value passed in as an argument.

Is class template and function template the same?

The difference is, that the compiler does type checking before template expansion. The idea is simple, source code contains only function/class, but compiled code may contain multiple copies of the same function/class. Function Templates We write a generic function that can be used for different data types.

Can a template be a template parameter?

A template argument for a template template parameter is the name of a class template. When the compiler tries to find a template to match the template template argument, it only considers primary class templates. (A primary template is the template that is being specialized.)

2 Answers

Shorter is better:

template <typename Base, typename Derived>
struct is_base {
    constexpr static bool check(Base*)   { return true; }
    constexpr static bool check(...)     { return false; }
    enum { value = check(static_cast<Derived*>(0)) };

Example 1:

struct A {};
struct B  : A { };

int main(void) {
    static_assert(is_base<A,B>::value, "If Error: A is not base of B");

Example 2:

template <bool, typename T=void>
struct Use {
    static std::string info() { return "Implementation that consider that A is not base of B"; }

template <typename T>
struct Use<true,T>  {
    static std::string info() { return "Implementation that consider that A is the base of B"; }

int main(void) {
    std::cout << Use<is_base<A,B>::value>::info(); //Implementation that consider that A is the base of B
like image 182
user1823890 Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10


Following an example from Stroustrup:

template<class Test, class Base>
struct AssertSameOrDerivedFrom {
  AssertSameOrDerivedFrom() { &constraints; }
  static void constraints() {
    Test *pd = 0;
    Base *pb = pd;

template<class T>
struct YourClass {
  YourClass() {
    AssertSameOrDerivedFrom<T, CBaseClass>();

In C++0x, this becomes:

template<class T>
struct YourClass {
  static_assert(std::is_base_of<CBaseClass, T>::value);
like image 44
Fred Nurk Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10

Fred Nurk