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Check if string contains numeric value in PowerShell?

I want to check if a string contains a numeric value. I have this code :

$string = "some string that contains 123456     in the middle"
$substring = $string.substring(27,9).Trim()

I have $substring which will be containing "123456" and I found this IsNumeric function here : In PowerShell, how can I test if a variable holds a numeric value?

The thing is that this when I'm extracting it from $string it acts like string type and IsNumeric returns false since it's comparing it to the all numeric types. and even tough it will contain a number the output of IsNumeric will be false.

Is there a better way to check if string contains numeric values?

like image 766
Marked One Avatar asked Jul 04 '18 10:07

Marked One

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0. PS C:> [uint16]::MaxValue. 65535 Int is the default numeric data type in Windows PowerShell. It is a 32-bit signed integer.

1 Answers

The correct way to check if a given string can be turned into a number:

[string]$InString = "123456"
[Int32]$OutNumber = $null

if ([Int32]::TryParse($InString,[ref]$OutNumber)){
    Write-Host "Valid Number"
} else {
    Write-Host "Invalid Number"
    #error code here

then $OutNumber will contain the number as a numeric type.

like image 57
colsw Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09
