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Check if record in a table exist in a database through ExecuteNonQuery




in my program i need to check if a record in the database already exists in the table using the if statement. using c# i am trying to do this through an sql connection. as i supposed that the ExecuteNonQuery(); command returns an integer value, if my supposing is true, i want to know what value is true to know that a certain record exists in the table or not. here's a sample of my code:

using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = dbUtil.GetSqlConnection(dbUtil.GetConnectionStringByName("NonConnectionString")))
    using (SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand("SELECT * from users where user_name like 'Adam' AND password like '123456'", sqlConnection))
        sqlresult = sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();

considering sqlresult has been initialized previously in the main as int sqlresult; so i would like to know, that if this user 'Adam' exists in the database or not. and if he exists, then i want to proceed with an 'if' statement saying for example:

if(sqlresult == 0)
   MessageBox.Show("Adam exists!");

so i just don't know the integer that it should return, and i am either not sure that this is the proper way to do it so.

thank you.

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Albert A-w Avatar asked Jul 27 '13 22:07

Albert A-w

People also ask

How do you find out if a record already exists in a database?

You can either do this with a stored procedure or from ASP. SELECT 'This record already exists!' First, we check if the record exists with the EXISTS keyword. EXISTS executes the query we tell it to (the SELECT ) and returns a boolean value.

How do I check if data exists in a table?

To test whether a row exists in a MySQL table or not, use exists condition. The exists condition can be used with subquery. It returns true when row exists in the table, otherwise false is returned. True is represented in the form of 1 and false is represented as 0.

How do you find out if a record already exists in a database C#?

I am using these lines of code to check if the record exists or not. SqlCommand check_User_Name = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Table WHERE ([user] = '" + txtBox_UserName. Text + "') ", conn); int UserExist = (int)check_User_Name. ExecuteScalar();

2 Answers

If you want to check if the user exists, you have to change your sql and use COUNT or EXISTS:

So instead of

SELECT * from users where user_name like 'Adam' AND password like '123456'


SELECT COUNT(*) from users where user_name like 'Adam' AND password like '123456'

Now you can use ExecuteScalar to retrieve the count of users with this username and password:

int userCount = (int) sqlCommand.ExecuteScalar();
if(userCount > 0)
    // user exists ....

Note that you should use sql-parameters to prevent sql-injection:

using (SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand("SELECT COUNT(*) from users where user_name like @username AND password like @password", sqlConnection))
    sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@username", userName);
    sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@password", passWord);
    int userCount = (int) sqlCommand.ExecuteScalar();
like image 173
Tim Schmelter Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09

Tim Schmelter

You should be using ExecuteScalar for cheking if the record exists. ExecuteNonQuery runs a transact-SQL statement against the connection and returns the number of rows affected for an UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE. It doesn't apply for SELECT statements

like image 35
Claudio Redi Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09

Claudio Redi