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Check if entity property exists

I have an URL like example.org/overview/<column>/<value> (example: example.org/overview/color/red) which will cause a search in a column "color" for the value "red". This is the entity:

namespace App\Entity;

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;

// @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="App\Repository\CarRepository")
class Car
    // @ORM\Column(type="string", length=255)
    private $name;
    private $color;


I think I should check if an entity property exists before I start a db query. How can I check when someone calls example.org/overview/foo/bar if foo is a valid db column (= entity property)? Does Symfony offer a simple solution here? If this might not be the case I think I have to use a hard coded white list.

like image 218
Michon Avatar asked May 31 '18 09:05


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To check if a property exists in an object in TypeScript: Mark the specific property as optional in the object's type. Use a type guard to check if the property exists in the object. If accessing the property in the object does not return a value of undefined , it exists in the object.

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The static Reflect.has() method works like the in operator as a function. If the property does not exist on the object, it will return the string undefined. Else it will return the appropriate property type.

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Method 1: Using the typeof operator The typeof operator returns the type of the variable on which it is called as a string. The return string for any object that does not exist is “undefined”. This can be used to check if an object exists or not, as a non-existing object will always return “undefined”.

2 Answers

you can use getClassMetadata like this:

$columns = $em->getClassMetadata(Car::class)->getColumnNames();

if (in_array($property, $columns)) {
   //property exists, code here

You can try also: getFieldNames instead of getColumnNames

like image 79
Alessandro Minoccheri Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 22:10

Alessandro Minoccheri

Alessandro is right but the exact method hasField() exists:

$metaCar = $em->getClassMetadata(Car::class)

if ($metaCar->hasField('foo')) {
   //property exists
like image 39
Gautier Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 21:10
