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Check if directory is a mount point?

I need to check if a directory is a mount point before doing some other tasks.

I have been looking around the documentation and it only seems that you can create/destroy mount points but not just check if one exists. From the link below.


I am wondering if there is any way to check it exists with ansible, or will it have to be some other language called from ansible.

like image 719
nazerb Avatar asked Jan 11 '16 11:01


People also ask

How can I tell if a directory is a mount point?

Using the mount Command One way we can determine if a directory is mounted is by running the mount command and filtering the output. The above line will exit with 0 (success) if /mnt/backup is a mount point. Otherwise, it'll return -1 (error).

How do you check if a drive is mounted?

To find out what drives are mounted you can check /etc/mtab , which is a list of all devices mounted on the system. It can sometimes have various tmpfs and other things you aren't looking for mounted too, so I reccomend cat /etc/mtab | grep /dev/sd to get only physical devices.

How do I check my mount point options?

Viewing mount options of filesystem To see what options a mounted filesystem is utilizing run the mount command can be ran without any arguments. You can also grep for a particular mount point as sometimes (specially if you are using RHEL/CentOS 7) you might get a huge list of system mount points.

2 Answers

You can check this using the ansible_mounts fact, without running an extra command, although it's somewhat convoluted.

- debug:
    msg: "{{ mount_point }} is mounted"
  when: ansible_mounts | selectattr('mount', 'equalto', mount_point) | list | length > 0

- debug:
    msg: "{{ mount_point }} is not mounted"
  when: ansible_mounts | selectattr('mount', 'equalto', mount_point) | list | length == 0

where mount_point is the directory path to check.

Note that Ansible facts don't automatically get updated, so if you mount or unmount the directory during the play the results will be out of date unless you update them by re-running the setup module:

- name: Gather facts again to update mount points
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EM0 Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 13:09


I've tried with both mount and stat module. Both didn't met your requirements.

I've manage to work only using a OS command. I've tested on Redhat, Debian and SLES families.

    - myvolume: /backup


   - command: mountpoint -q {{myvolume}}
     register: volume_stat
     failed_when: False
     changed_when: False

    - debug:
       msg: "This is a mountpoint!"
      when: volume_stat.rc == 0

The problem is, mountpoint command generates stderr if the path isn't a mount point so you have to use ignore_errors, witch is not a good solution.

EDIT 1: Is mentioned by @udondan, failed_when is a better approach then ignore_errors since it doesn't output errors.

It may be what you want if you need to stop the playbook if the path isn't a mount point.

I hope someone find a better solution than this.

NOTE: There is some platforms that doesn't have mountpoint command, as far as I know Darwin (Mac OSX) and SunOS (Oracle Solaris), if you need this to work on those systems, you'll need to find another workaround.

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Bernardo Vale Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 13:09

Bernardo Vale