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Check if a record exists in a VB6 collection?

I've inherited a large VB6 app at my current workplace. I'm kinda learning VB6 on the job and there are a number of problems I'm having. The major issue at the moment is I can't figure out how to check if a key exists in a Collection object. Can anyone help?

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user4315 Avatar asked Sep 02 '08 21:09


2 Answers

My standard function is very simple. This will work regardless of the element type, since it doesn't bother doing any assignment, it merely executes the collection property get.

Public Function Exists(ByVal oCol As Collection, ByVal vKey As Variant) As Boolean

    On Error Resume Next
    oCol.Item vKey
    Exists = (Err.Number = 0)

End Function
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Christian Hayter Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 16:11

Christian Hayter

@Mark Biek Your keyExists closely matches my standard Exists() function. To make the class more useful for COM-exposed collections and checking for numeric indexes, I'd recommend changing sKey and myCollection to not be typed. If the function is going to be used with a collection of objects, 'set' is required (on the line where val is set).

EDIT: It was bugging me that I've never noticed different requirements for an object-based and value-based Exists() function. I very rarely use collections for non-objects, but this seemed such a perfect bottleneck for a bug that would be so hard to track down when I needed to check for existence. Because error handling will fail if an error handler is already active, two functions are required to get a new error scope. Only the Exists() function need ever be called:

Public Function Exists(col, index) As Boolean
On Error GoTo ExistsTryNonObject
    Dim o As Object

    Set o = col(index)
    Exists = True
    Exit Function

    Exists = ExistsNonObject(col, index)
End Function

Private Function ExistsNonObject(col, index) As Boolean
On Error GoTo ExistsNonObjectErrorHandler
    Dim v As Variant

    v = col(index)
    ExistsNonObject = True
    Exit Function

    ExistsNonObject = False
End Function

And to verify the functionality:

Public Sub TestExists()
    Dim c As New Collection

    Dim b As New Class1

    c.Add "a string", "a"
    c.Add b, "b"

    Debug.Print "a", Exists(c, "a") ' True '
    Debug.Print "b", Exists(c, "b") ' True '
    Debug.Print "c", Exists(c, "c") ' False '
    Debug.Print 1, Exists(c, 1) ' True '
    Debug.Print 2, Exists(c, 2) ' True '
    Debug.Print 3, Exists(c, 3) ' False '
End Sub
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Tom Mayfield Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 17:11

Tom Mayfield