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Check if a given Type is an Enum




I am writing a JsonConverter for Json.NET which should allow me to convert any enum's to a string value defined by a [Description] attribute.

For example:

public enum MyEnum {
    [Description("Sunday")] Sunday,
    [Description("Monday")] Monday,
    [Description("Tuesday")] Tuesday,
    [Description("Wednesday")] Wednesday,
    [Description("Thursday")] Thursday,
    [Description("Friday")] Friday,
    [Description("Saturday")] Saturday

I already have the code for supporting myEnum.Description() which will obviously return its string description.

In the JsonConverter implementation, there is this method:

    public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType)


I am trying to figure out how to determine if objectType is an Enum and return true so that the converter knows it can convert this object. Since I have many Enum's, I cannot explicitly check each one so I was hoping for a more generic way of accomplishing this.

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Bryan Migliorisi Avatar asked Nov 08 '11 02:11

Bryan Migliorisi

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3 Answers

Use the IsEnum property:

if(objectType.IsEnum) {
    return true;
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Ry- Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 11:09


Type.IsEnum is what your are looking for

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parapura rajkumar Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 11:09

parapura rajkumar

I completely misinterpreted the question by focusing too much on the [Description], so in case you ever want to check whether a particular enum has a [description] attribute or not ( in case json throws a fit when there is none ), this is one possible way to check for that:

public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType)
    FieldInfo[] fieldInfo = objectType.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);

    if( fieldInfo.Length > 0 )
        return ( fieldInfo[0].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DescriptionAttribute),false).Length > 0 );
        return false;
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Tom Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 11:09
