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Chart library for Qt [closed]


Is there any open-source or free chart library for Qt? I only need XY charts, not bar charts or anything else.

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gruber Avatar asked Aug 21 '10 10:08


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What is QChart?

QChart is a QGraphicsWidget that you can show in a QGraphicsScene. It manages the graphical representation of different types of series and other chart related objects like legend and axes. To simply show a chart in a layout, the convenience class QChartView can be used instead of QChart.

1 Answers

QCustomPlot is a rather compact Qt widget for plotting, with the possibility of extension to your needs, under the GPL license. It has no further dependencies and is fully documented, including internal functions.

Check the QCustomPlot website.

like image 62
Luciano Lorenti Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 00:11

Luciano Lorenti