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Changes to NgModel on input not updating view



I have an input field on my html that I need to limit the value of.

I am trying doing like this:


<div *ngFor="let option of options">
    <input type="text" [ngModel]="option.value" (change)="onChangeValue($event.target.value, option)">


onChangeValue(valueString: string, option: OptionViewModel) {
    var value: number = parseInt(valueString);

    // Check some conditions. Simplified code just for example
    if (option.value != value && value > 5) {
        value = 5;

    option.value = value;


export class OptionViewModel {
    public optionId: number;
    public description: string;
    public pollId: number;
    public value?: number;

I tried using two-way binding, but my code relies on the previous value of option.value, and using two-way binding changes the variable before entering the function.

The problem is, sometimes the input field is not being updated. It looks like I just work the first time the value need to be changed, so for example, if input 6 the field is correctly changed to 5, but then if I add a 0 (making it 50), it doesn't correct to 5.

I debbuged the code and it is running the function and changing the option.value, and even using Augury to inspect the objects show the correct value.

like image 636
Jorgel Avatar asked Mar 15 '18 13:03


Video Answer

2 Answers

On your second edit, the content of the input element is not updated because Angular has not detected any change (option.value was 5, and it is still 5). Here are two methods to force the refresh of the element.

Method 1 - Replace the option item in the array

You can force the field to update by replacing the option in the array with a cloned copy, as shown in this stackblitz:

<div *ngFor="let option of options; let i=index">
  <input [ngModel]="option.value" (change)="onChangeValue($event.target.value, i)" type="text" >
onChangeValue(valueString: string, index: number) {
  var value: number = parseInt(valueString);
  if (value > 5) {
    value = 5;
  this.options[index] = this.options[index].cloneWithValue(value);

export class OptionViewModel {
  public optionId: number;
  public description: string;
  public pollId: number;
  public value?: number;

  public cloneWithValue(value: number): OptionViewModel {
    let dest = new OptionViewModel();
    dest.optionId = this.optionId;
    dest.description = this.description;
    dest.pollId = this.pollId;
    dest.value = value;
    return dest;

Method 2 - Use an additional field in the trackBy function

An alternative solution is to add an additional field to OptionViewModel (e.g. lastModified) and to use it in a trackBy method of the ngFor directive (see this stackblitz):

<div *ngFor="let option of options; trackBy: trackByFn">
  <input [ngModel]="option.value" (change)="onChangeValue($event.target.value, option)" type="text">
onChangeValue(valueString: string, option: OptionViewModel) {
  var value: number = parseInt(valueString);
  if (value > 5) {
    value = 5;
  option.value = value;
  option.lastModified = Date.now();

trackByFn(index: number, option: OptionViewModel) {
  return `${index}___${option.lastModified}`;
export class OptionViewModel {
  public optionId: number;
  public description: string;
  public pollId: number;
  public value?: number;
  public lastModified: number = 0;
like image 91
ConnorsFan Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 10:10


Hi try to change ng model two way binding ,like that

    <div *ngFor="let option of options">
        <input type="text" [(ngModel)]="option.value"  #ctrl="ngModel"
 (change)="onChangeValue($event.target.value, option)">
like image 35
Robert Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 09:10
